Chapter 19 nightmare

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                          Brianna's POV
I was walking through the park enjoying my time with my boyfriend when I saw Tom and drake, Lucas and I ran the opposite direction from them but  Tom caught me I heard a gunshot and I saw Lucas on the floor I tried to scream but nothing came out all I could do was cry. Then Harry and my uncles showed up and tried to get him away drake was about to pull the trigger on them but then I got out of toms arms and ran in front of it instead he shot me instead of them.
*end of nightmare*

I woke up screaming my breathing was uneven and I was sweating like crazy my dad and uncles ran in and he hugged me tightly to his chest and I cried into his chest.

After I even out my breathing and was calm my dad said "what was your nightmare about?" I said "that Tom caught me and drake was with him to and they were going to kill you guys." I started getting upset again dad hugged me and said "he will never get you we will always be here to keep you safe and protect if we're not here Lucas will protect you we promise you that." I nodded into his chest then him and the boys sung drag me down to me and I fell back into a peacefully dreamless sleep and now I know never to watch a scary movie before bed again that was not the best decision.

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