Maybe.... Just Maybe....

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School is even more nerve racking then I thought it was going to be! Once I collected my timetable from reception, and made it through the sea of students, I found my classroom. Art was my first lesson with Miss White. I walked in with my head down trying to find the teacher. When I found her I walked over, again trying to ignore the stares and the mutterings.

"Well, hello love, you must be Amy, yes?" The teacher said with a smile.

"Umm... yes miss, sorry I was late."

I mumbled.

"Oh don't worry. I understand." She replied patting my shoulder.

"I'm sitting you next to Kyle, I hope that's okay. He will explain what you have to do."

As she led me over to a table, the boy sitting there just looked at me, smirking. I just narrowed my eyes at him and carried on walking behind Miss White.

"Kyle, this is Amy. She's new, please could you tell her what to do?"

"Sure Miss, it would be my pleasure." Kyle replied. As Miss walked away he just stared at me again smirking.

"Hi." Kyle said

"Umm... Hi." I muttered.

"You're cute."

"Uhh... Thanks?" It came out more as a question then an answer.

"Come. Sit." He said, patting the chair next to his own.

I sat down, not wanting to make a fuss. Looking around I saw lots of art pinned up on the walls, most of it was absolutely brilliant but there was the odd rough piece.

"Still life."

I turned towards the person who randomly said that. Again, he was staring at me with piercing green eyes.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"Still life."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"It's what we are doing."

"Oh.... Umm.... okay. Anything specific?" I asked with a blush.

Kyle just pointed to the middle of the table. I followed he finger and my eyes landed on a bowl of fruit. My blush deepened.

A deep husky chuckle escaped Kyle's lips.

"You're cute when you blush."


"You're cute when you're nervous."

"Will you stop calling me cute!!"

"Calm down. I was just saying." He said smirking.

"Yeah, well I don't need your input, so shut up."

"Feisty! I like that." A wink joined with that.

"Look, I know what to do now so just leave me alone." I grounded out.

"Okay but I'm here when you need me cutie."

Giving up, I got up to get a price of paper from the front of the class. I could feel Kyle's eyes burning through my back.

As I turned on my heel to walk back to my table, I went face first into a very hard chest.

"Hello beautiful, I'm Mark." A deep voice said.

I looked up, only to see eyes of deep brown, nearly black.

"Hi Mark. I'm Amy." I replied with a smile.

"And pretty." He whispered into my ear, his hot breath making my skin tingle.

"Anyway, I... uhh.... better get back to work." I muttered blushing.

Side stepping him, I peeked a glance at Kyle who, in all truthness, looked angry.

"Why do you look like you wanna blow his head off?" I asked Kyle, jerking me head over to Mark.

"Nothing. Don't worry. But you have to stay away from that guy. Okay?!"

"Yeah, but why?"

"He's bad news, just trust me."

And with that he just carried on sketching.

Well this is going to be fun!!

At break, I really didn't know where I was going so I just followed the river of teenage kids.

I felt a small hand graby wrist and pulled me to the side.

"Hey. You're new right?" I looked up and saw to blue eyes looking straight at me. The hand that grabbed and pulled me belonged to a really pretty girl, bright blue eyes and wavy blond hair. I guessed she was one of the popular ones.

"Yeah, hi, I'm Amy." I replied holding my hand out for her to shake.

"Rosie." She shook my hand. "Thank god you've turned up!!"

"Why's that?" I asked confused.

"Well I only have one friend, and she just left this school. And bang your here. So at least I have a friend." She giggled.

"Okay, well I would love to have you as a friend, I was scared I wasn't going to make any." A small smile creeped on to my lips.

"Well, we have each other now." She said, linking her arms through mine.

"Oh, and for the heads up, stay clear of Kyle."

"Umm..." I cleared my throat, "Why?"

"He's the schools player, has fun with a girl," she wiggled her eyebrows,"then he gets rid before they get to clingy. And he will mess with you until you give in. So beware."

I nodded. So, I have to stay clear of one boy, who told me to stay clear of another boy. Maybe.... Just maybe.... I will stay clear of all boys.

****Sorry, this isn't getting any better, but please read, maybe leave a comment ;). Like I said, I'm not that adventurous in writing. If you want to give tips you are more than welcome :) Love u all

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