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A/N: [y/f/c] = your favourite colour
[Y/s/f/c] = your second favourite colour
[E/c] = eye colour

You were going to live in London. You were adopted by one of your two favourite people. You were going to live with both of them. You were going to live with Dan and Phil. Your dad was Phil ((A/N: *cough* dADDY.)) You were going to love your new life. You wish nothing could change.


{EXTREME TIME SKIP brought to you by Dan's "Shingeki no Kyojin" sweater}

[Two months later in August]

You loved life.

You didn't want anything to change.

Living with Dan and Phil was the most you could ever ask for. They were like your family. Even though Phil was legally your dad, he didn't act like it at all. The two were more like your best friends than anything else. They treated you like an equal, and you treated them like one too. It was kind of a weird thing, but it was a good weird thing. You still didn't know why Phil decided to adopt you, but you still loved living with them, and you legally changed your last name to 'Lester' since you thought it had a nice ring to it.

For the first week you lived with them, you slept on their sofa until they cleaned out the room they used as storage to be used as your room. You wanted to help, but the two insisted that you needed to rest since you still had jetlag. You couldn't argue with that.

But then, you remembered something.


It was August and you remembered that in America, school started in September. But what if school started tomorrow?! What if it started in October?! No, that's not possible. What if it already started?!

Glancing at the time on the top right of your MacBook, you read; 4:23 PM.

You panicked as you walked to Phil's room, but you didn't go inside. Checking to see if he was filming, you pressed your ear to the door and listened for any voices. Hearing nothing, you knocked on the door and called, "Phil?"

"Come in!" You heard him answer. Opening the door, you immediately asked, "When does school start?!"

"Are you really that excited to go to school?" Dan asked as he passed by Phil's room.

"Oh," You cringed, "Ew, no."

"School starts next month," Phil answered. You let out a sigh of relief, "Okay, thanks Phil."

He grinned, "No problem! Also, you'll be attending year nine in secondary school."

Your eyes widened, "What's year nine in America...?"

"American eighth grade."

"Ohhhhhh, got it," You nodded, "Thanks again!"

"You're welcome, again,"

You closed the door and ran to your room to get on your laptop. You quickly typed "British secondary school system" into Google's search bar and hit enter.

You came across a wiki page about secondary school, and you realized you could just ask Dan or Phil, but quickly concluded that they couldn't be bothered right now. Dan was probably having an existential crisis. Poking your head out of your room, you checked the "Existential Crisis Hallway," and there he was. Just lying there.

{My New Family} Dan and Phil Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now