I want to go home...

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A/N: Hiiii! So this chapter will be really, really, really short because I'm sort of stressed out about school and the Anime Convention I'm going to this weekend and aHHHHHh haha so I'm gonna tRY to fit everything I want to write here aND I know that this fic has a lot of cheesy themes to it but seriously I fucking love cheesy things; cheesy jokes, cheesy stories, cheesy mashed potatoes, etc. sO GET READING

It was one call.

One single call sent your whole world crashing down.

"Mr. Lester?" The man had said. "[y/n]'s aunt is out of jail and she's demanding for her niece to come back and we can't tell her no."

Dan and Phil tried to convince your aunt to let you stay, but she didn't back down. You were forced to go back to [y/t], and the first thing she heard you say after half a year was, "Do I have to?" And she just nodded and she dragged you by the arm to her car while you looked back at Dan and Phil with tears in your eyes. They also had tears as well.

That was one month ago.

You were back in [y/t] and went to your old school. It would be an overstatement to say that the students and teachers were elated to see you. The first thing Matt Emerson said to you was, "You decided to crawl back to us now, huh?"

Once again, you had no friends.

You still watched Dan and Phil's videos and even rewatched the ones that you were featured in. Good memories.

In the males' most recent videos, which were after the day you left, you noticed that they seemed so much less cheerful than they were in their previous videos. The phandom noticed that too.

The comment section was filled with messages that were similar to "Hey! Are you guys okay?" "Where's [y/n]?" "Stay strong!" and "MAKE ANOTHER VIDEO WITH [Y/N]!"

In the past month, you've cried at least 10 times.

{Furashubakku (Flashback)} ((A/N: sometimes I think I'm funny))

"Phil, it is one and a half cup of flour, not a quarter!" Dan told the male.

"Ah! Sorry, sorry!" Phil apologized.

You chuckled at the two. The three of you were baking a cake, not Delia Smith though, it was your choice.

As Dan was mixing the batter, Phil suck up behind him, holding one egg in his hand. He turned to you and made the, "Shh!" gesture with his finger and you covered your mouth to prepare for the upcoming laugh that was going to come out of your mouth.

Phil mouthed, "One... two... three!" and cracked the egg on Dan's head. In the process, the yolk sac broke and the clear and golden yellow substance was dribbling onto Dan's face from his hair.

The hand that was covering your mouth couldn't hold the laughter in anymore, so you quickly swung it off and you cackled like a madman as Phil was just giggling behind him.

Dan chuckled darkly, took some flour in each hand, and threw one handful at Phil and one at you.

"Haha!" You laughed, "Oh, it is on, Howell!"

For the next ten minutes, the three of you kept throwing eggs, batter, flour, butter, etc. at each other, until Phil realized that the mess would have to be cleaned up.

So a dramatically acted out truce was made and you, Dan, and Phil spent the next hour or two cleaning up the kitchen and making a new cake.

The cake was delicious.

{Furashubakku enduru! (Flashback end)}

Your aunt wasn't abusive in any way anymore, so that was a plus. To be honest, she got even more boring because of it. The fact that she didn't abuse you anymore still made you glad, though.

Never having the chance to talk to Dan and Phil, due to your heaping piles of homework and studying, it saddened you.

Lying in bed, you were rewatching all the videos you were featured in. Dan and Phil seemed a great deal happier when you were with them.

Sighing, you turned off your laptop and went to sleep, with only one thought on your mind.

"I want to go home..."

A/N: haha sorry it's so short TTuTT ooh and I'm thinking of making the next chapter a song fic! (I won't tell you what song tho hA) so yayayayaya I'll tRY to make the next chapter way longer than this chapter soooo ye

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