Beaten Down

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A/N: okay so like I don't know if bullying is a trigger but I know that blood is, so I'm gonna put a trigger warning for bullying and blood and ye




Nervousness. Anxiety. Fear. Those were a few of the feelings that were coursing through you before school ended. Thank god those two girls, Rose and Maria, weren't in any of your classes.

A few people from your school tried to be friends with you, and you tried too, but you and those people just didn't click. Some students even despised you. You were at the top of every subject in your grade. You had the more knowledge in those subjects than anyone other student in your grade level, and that angered the students that used to be at the top or aimed to be at the top.

When the school day ended, you quickly gathered your things and tried to sprint out of the school building, until you got yanked back by the strap of your bag.

"Where the bloody hell do you think you're going, Lester?" The disgustingly high pitched voice of Rose snarled.

You built up the courage to snap back, "Home. Where else would I go?"

"Well," Maria spoke, "you're not going home until we're done with you."

The two girls dragged you outside to the back of the building and Rose threw you down onto the ground

"Wait, wait, wait," You held your arms out in front of you, "what's the whole entire point of doing this? I mean like, you beat me up, then you just leave me here until I go home, then what? Like, there's no point in--"

Your sentence was cut short as rose kicked the side of your face. Well, that didn't work. Man... that was going to leave a nasty bruise behind.

You realized that you weren't one of those people in the movies that just kept quiet while getting beat up. So what did you? You screamed... or... at least tried to.

Before you screamed, Maria used rope to tie your wrists together behind your back and your legs together, and Rose stuck a large piece of duct tape over your mouth. Wow, talk about bondage, am I right? ((A/N: haha I'm not funny I'm so sorry))

Deciding to give up, you just lied there and waited for their next punch. Or kick. Whatever.

Maria turned you over on your back and stomped on your stomach really hard. You coughed blood out, but it came out of your nose instead of your mouth, since your mouth was taped shut. Most of the blood was still in your mouth, and you didn't dare swallow the sickening metal tasting substance.

Rose sent a kick to your neck and you were pretty sure there was blood seeping out of it. The two girls kept sending kicks, stomps, and punches to your body, and you kept wincing and crying each time they sent a strike towards you. You were pretty sure you had at least two broken bones.

After what felt like an eternity, a voice shouted, "Hey! Stop that!"

Rose and Maria turned around, "What?"

"Guys, don't beat her up! There is literally no benefit that comes out of this!" The girl that spoke had jet black hair that was tied up in a messy ponytail and she had hazel coloured eyes.

Maria rolled her eyes, "Seriously, Sina, you've got to loosen up a bit! We're just having a little fun!"

The girl, Sina, rolled her eyes back, "C'mon guys, seriously, Rose's mum is getting impatient."

The two girls sighed, "Fine."

The girls walked away and left you tied up with the duct tape still on your mouth. You spent five minutes wiggling your legs and wrists out of the rope and ripped the silver sticky sheet of hell off your mouth.

You were still bloody and bruised, but you realized you didn't have time to clean yourself up in the washroom, so you just walked back to the front of the school, where you saw Dan's car parked right in front of the school with him sitting in the driver's seat.

You got into the car and greeted, "Hi! ~" and winced as you sat down on the car seat.

Dan glanced at you and said, "Hi." He saw a flash of red on your face and snapped his head back towards you, "What happened?!"

Realizing you'd just seem like one of those stereotypical girls in fanfics and other stories if you told him a lie, you just straight up told him, "These two girls were beating me up. No big deal though."

"What?! Yes, it's a big deal! You're being bullied! And dear god, are some of your bones broken?! We're going to a hospital. Right now."

So basically, he took you to the hospital and the doctor told him that both the radius and the ulna bones on your left arm were broken, and you would need a cast and a sling. You went for a [f/c] cast, and you couldn't really have a say in what colour sling you got. The nurses patched up your wounds and you were released from the hospital.

The car ride was silent. The only sound present was the sound of all the other cars on the road.

You decided to speak, "You know, if you're going to scold me then do it"

"Just do it," Dan tried to say in his best Shia Labeouf voice.

"Pfft," You snickered, "Dear god, you're such a meme."

"Ha, I know."

{Time skip brought to you by the 7 Second Challenge!}

After the hospital, Dan decided to get you a container if your favourite ice cream. And when you got home, you were showered with hugs and repeated sayings of "oh my god are you okay oh my god my precious child" from Phil, and he gave you a bunch of your favourite candies.

You were overwhelmed by how much love you were getting from two people that you had to hold back tears when you tackle hugged both of them.

Even if Rose and Maria gave you two broken bones and five possible scars (and one really cool scar running across your face in a diagonal line) they made the bond between you, Dan, and Phil stronger. You weren't saying that they had to beat you up just for that to happen, but then again, you sort of were.

The thing that only the three of you (you, Dan, and Phil) knew, was that the bond that was formed a few months ago was just going to get stronger and stronger, no matter what happened.

A/N: lmao that was such a cheesy ass ending, but yAY IT'S CHAPTER SEVEN three more chapters to go! Ahh this is PAST 11:00 PM... Sumimasen, reader-san. This is such a short chapter I'm SCREAMING hhhhhhhhhhhhhh TTuTT welp, here's chapter seven for you anyways!

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