So.. Surprise then?: Delilah (Edited)

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Three weeks later

I woke up today, stressed and grumpy from lack of sleep. Tour day. So many things ran through my head, what to wear, was I packed enough, what will Cody be like, will Set it Off like me,  is the crew going to be ass-faces again.. I shook my head as if that would clear my head of the anxiety and busied myself with getting ready. I found an outfit, and bring it into the bathroom. Showering, then I get dressed and do my hair, drying it, and then my usual routine. I do my makeup and to finish it off, I put on my favorite bracelet.

I pull my bags to the door, and sit down, checking my phone. I had three messages.  One from Patrick, one from Cody, and one from a number I didn't recognize. I looked at Patrick's first.

Hey, we'll be there about nooooooon. ;)

I replied back: mk see ya then Then I looked at Cody's.

Patrick's being selfish, he says you're riding in his bus!

I laugh at that and reply: awe poor cody Then I look at the last one.

See you on tour  Was all it said. I didn't know the number, and as far as I know, no one else was going on tour. So I ignore it, and check my Instagram. Noon rolled around, and I heard the doorbell. I was greeted with Patrick and Cody arguing over something. They stopped as soon as the door opened.

"Hey." Patrick smiled his killer smile and I saw Cody for the first time in forever. He looked so different. His hair was natural, and he has a lip ring now. To be perfectly honest, he looked kinda hot. Patrick was looking adorable like always.

"Hey! Ready?" Patrick asked, walking in past me. Cody laughed, and I motioned for him to come in.

"Yes, come in Patrick. " I say sarcastically, making both boys laugh. Cody walks over to my bags and helps Patrick with them. "You know I have arms and I didn't pack that much."

"So do we." Patrick laughs, looking at me as he walks over with a duffle bag in one hand and my backpack in the other. I roll my eyes with a smile.

"Whoa Cody, don't strain yourself."I say, making him stick out his tongue, carrying the little makeup bag.

"We must go, the bus leaves in twenty minutes." Patrick hurries me along. I grab my purse and make sure the door is locked before heading out the door to the car. I plopped myself in the passenger seat, as Patrick got in the driver's seat and Cody whines about the back.

The ride was pretty short, we talked, Cody and I caught up, and we all traded stories. We also sang. I was very terrible compared to the two vocalists in the car. Pulling into a household, there were three buses, Fall Out Boy, Set It Off, and I couldn't see the other one, parked near the curb.

"Dylan, we have something you might want to know." Patrick looks at me as he shuts off the car in the driveway. I give him a confused look. "Alex is here."

"No." I shook my head, but Patrick nodded. "Why would you do this?" I asked, my voice cracked, and I felt my heart drop.

"I found out only a few weeks ago. Besides, you'll be with us." Patrick motions between him and Cody. "All time low goes on between us, so you will be with someone at all times."

"Doesn't help." I say, noticing Rian from Alex's band All Time Low talking to some guy with blond hair. "He's here, and that's all that really matters."

"Hey, let's just forget him for now, and deal with it when it comes." Cody says softly, pulling me in the direction of an African-American man playing a guitar. I tugged a little on my arm, trying to signal that I didn't want to meet anyone at the moment, but stupid me couldn't form words to actually tell him. 

"What are we doing?" I ask quietly. Cody ignores me and then stops in front of the man. I give him a shy smile, and he returns a confident one.

"Delilah, this is Dan, Dan this is Delilah." I hold out my hand to shake, and he does. "This is that girl I was talking about." I look down, blushing a little.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I like your outfit." He smiled again. It was such a confident smile.

"Dylan, the pleasures mine." I smiled back, less confident. "Thank you." Then I was yanked by Cody away.

"Come on!" He pulls me to two other men, one of them was the guy who was talking to Rian. "Guys, this is Delilah, Delilah, this is Maxx and Zach." He pointed to them as he introduced us. I smiled slightly.

"So this is the famous Delilah." Zach commented, holding out his hand. I shook it, and I just wanted to get on the bus, I didn't like meeting new people like this. 

"Um, yeah? Call me Dylan." I say in a fake cheerful tone, but to my luck, my voice shakes and that's my que to leave. "I have to find Patrick, he has my bags." I start to walk off, tears brimming my eyes.

It wasn't Cody's fault, he doesn't know how hard it is for me to be social. So when I finally see Patrick resting against the double level bus, I run over to him and burst into tears. He wraps his arms around me, and rubs my back as I sob into his arms. He doesn't say anything, because he knows- he was watching. 

A/N: awe Patrick is such a sweetheart!


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