Miss Mysterious: Cody (Edited)

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I heard loud sobs coming from down the hall, and my instinct was to go check it out and make sure everything was alright. "I'll be right back guys." I said, pausing our game of truth or dare. When I passed the Fall Out Boy dressing room on my way toward the sound, I backed up and looked in to see Delilah crying on the couch.

Walking in, I knelt down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "You okay, Chicky?" I asked, using the nickname we all used for her in high school. She jumps a little, and then looks at me with makeup all down her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." The sadness is replaced with a smile and cheery eyes. Eyes are the window to the soul, and I could see the fear that was behind the faked happiness. But this was her way of saying 'I don't want to talk about it.' So I left it alone.

"Okay, wanna come play truth or dare with me and the guys?" I ask, wanting to get her real happiness back. She shrugs and sits up.

"Sure, I don't see why not." Sierra replies, with another shrug. I smile and pull her along to my dressing room.

"Guys, Delilah's is gonna play with us." I announce when we get back. She waves silently, and looks at me. Maxx moves over a little on the sofa, making room.

"Welcome Dylan, be scared." Maxx advises, making everyone laugh, including her. I side hugged her, and led her over between Maxx and I.

"So, picking up where we left off, Dan truth or dare?" I asked as Delilah leaned into my side. I felt how tired she was, but I also felt her shaking like a Chihuahua so I put my arm around her.

"Dare." He challenged. Zach laughed, because you never pick dare when I ask. It's just a bad idea.

"I dare you to kiss Maxx for ten seconds." I laugh at the expression that forms on Dan's face. He sighs and gets up to walk over to Maxx.

"I hate you for this." He sighs, and the kiss begins. I can see Maxx kissing back, and I just laugh. I'll get hell for that later, but for now, I did them both a favor.

"Dylan truth or dare?" Dan asks her. She sits up again, and coughs a little before answering. She was still shaking though, which made me wonder what scared her so badly.

"Um... dare." She said, thinking for a moment before answering in a confident tone. She was a very good actor, which scared me because then who knows what else she'll cover up.

"I dare you to... Sing." He says, looking at her, and I do too. She sighs loudly and looks at us all. I taser her side and she giggles and screams at the same time. It sent chills through me to hear her giggle once again. Maybe I should ask her out.. I mean, we were out of school, and the last three weeks of catching up have been amazing, she seems to like me too...

"What do you want me to sing?" I could see the amusement in Dan's eyes, but before he could get a word out, Maxx jumped in.

"Oh! What about My house? Y'know the one by Pvris?" He almost demanded, making every single one of us grin. Delilah included.

"You'll regret this." She warns before clearing her throat. We all watch in suspense, because the girl takes forever before actually singing. "I feel you in these walls, You're a cold air creeping in, chill me to my bones and skin..."

It was amazing. I think it was safe to say that we were all blown away by the power in her voice. In high school, she was always doing choir and glee club things, but I never really heard her singing alone.

"Holy. Shit." We all looked over at Zach, who had broken the icy silence. Delilah's face turned very red, and her eyes were a little watery when I looked at her.

"That was fucking amazing Delilah!" I rub her side, and she just presses her face into my shoulder now and she's shaking again.

"Uh, thanks. I should go though." She sits up. "I never told Patrick where I went." Then she started to get up, and at the door she stops abruptly. "Thanks for the fun!"

Her moods are so weird. She went from shaking, and cowering against my shoulder, to cheery and skipping off to another dressing room.

"You like her, don't you?" Maxx asks me once she's is gone and he knows she can't hear. Everyone is looking at me.

"We knew each other in high school." I say, feeling my face heat up a little. Busted.

{This chapter was shit. It was such a filler, and I'm sorry for the terrible wording and immature use of words. I'll fix it another time, I swear.

UPDATE: I tried to fix it... How did I do?


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