I think it's time to get out: Cody (Edited)

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"What is going on here?" I ask as I hurriedly walk toward the scene in front of me. Alex turns around with Delilah in his arms. He glances toward Jack and then down at Delilah.

"Cody!" She pushes out of Alex's grip, running into my arms as she bursts into a fit of tears. She gives Alex this look I couldn't quite read, and he nods sadly.

"I just, she was crying, and I wanted to help. . And then Jack came along and just, a-attacked her!" That was the biggest lie I had ever heard, and I knew it because Jack started laughing very hard.

"Alex, I think it's time you and Jack leave." I say when he finishes, holding Delilah close into my chest. Alex's head nods slightly as he drags Jack along. I look at Delilah, making sure she's okay. "Did he hurt you?"

She shakes her head. "No, he didn't. Jack wanted to though." Her expression was very bewildered and anxious. Taking her hand, I pull her back into my chest, rocking back and forth.

"It won't happen again. I promise." She pulled away, and said something that shattered my heart. Never once did I think I would hear it, nor hit with such dead truth like that little sentence.

"You know it will." With those words, Delilah just walked off toward the dressing rooms. Head down, back hunched, hands stuffed in her pockets as she moped back. I shook my head, trailing a good distance behind her as I retreated to my dressing room as well.

My heart dropped when I saw her go into the Fall Out Boy dressing room, instead of my band's. I mean, Patrick is like her best friend, but I'm her boyfriend. Shouldn't I come first? I run a little to catch the door before she closes it.

"This is the Fall Out Boy room." I state, confused and hoping she would cave in and come down with me to the Set It Off room.

"Yeah, I can read." She gives me a look, telling me I'm crazy. "I don't want Patrick to think I'm missing or something. Plus I'm hungry." My tongue played with my lip ring as I think.

"We have food, or we can go out to eat?" I suggest, because I don't want Delilah to be alone after what just happened. She thought for a moment.

"I'm gonna pass this time Cody." She replies. I chew on the inside of my cheek from habit. I hold the door stiff as she tries to close it.

"Then can I at least hang with you here then?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow, and open smile hanging from my lips as my tongue plays with my lip ring.

"I mean I guess." Sierra shrugs, opening the door back up. I watch as she simply spreads out on the couch, taking out her phone and earbuds. I roll my eyes playfully as I walk over to her, and gently sit on her stomach. "Cody. Don't." She grunts, I stands back up.

"Yeah, sorry." I half-assed that apology, because she was just being a bum now, so in result, I lifted her feet, and sat down, letting them rest on my lap. She doesn't even glance at me. The worst part about it, was she didn't say a word for the entire time, until Patrick and his little minions came in over two hours later.

"Patrick." Her thin pink lips curl into a smile and she sits up, completely forgetting about me as she walked over to the sweaty figure. I roll my eyes at the sight of him and Delilah hugging. "How was the show?" She asks, my question is, why didn't I get that after I performed? Patrick must have noticed the stinky look on my face, because he returns it back while he's still hugging my girlfriend.

"It was great. How was the show for you? Nothing happened back here?" He holds Delilah at arms length away, and raises his eyebrows. She shakes her head causing her brown hair to sway. It looked so soft. I coughed, trying to send a message to her, yes something happened. She glanced at me, and shrugged. I coughed harder, the only gain was a scowl from Pete.

"Yes, Cody do you have something you'd like to say?" He said in an annoyed tone, walking inside fully, stepping around Patrick. Joe and Andy followed close behind, like two high school sophomores, following the queen Senior. It was gross.

"I think Delilah should." Oh if looks could kill, I would be long gone. Didn't bother me, but man were they full of hate. All four of them were glaring harshly at me, Delilah not doing a thing about it.

"I think you and I should have a little chat. Huh?" Pete snickers, pulling me by my shirt out of the room. I hear footsteps behind me, and I know that Pete's little sophomores have followed. Planting my heals in the ground, I stop Pete and myself.

"Calm your shit man." I run a hand through my hair, pissed off. But oh that just pissed even more. Pete pulled me close to his face, his eyes filled with anger.

"Listen here bud. We aren't your biggest fans. Dylan doesn't need this right now, she has enough shit to sort out. You let her speak her mind, or not speak and you don't pester her about it. She makes her own decisions, not you. Got me?" Pete growls in my face. I scoff, pushing him away from me.

"You don't tell me what to do. I'll pester her if I want, and you get no say in what I choose to do in my relationship. Shut your ass up before I make you." I hissed at him, lowly. Joe and Andy were standing behind Pete now, glaring me down.

"Dylan won't tell you. I know what your thinking, and she won't." Oh yes she will. I just laugh in his face rudely before walking back into their dressing room to find Patrick cuddling Sierra in the sofa. She's on his lap as he rocks back and forth. I feel my face get hot with anger, and then I notice that Delilah is crying.

"Sierra wha-"

"Leave." Patrick's face was beet-red, and his tone was one I had never heard, or thought could come from such a small harmless man. I threw my hands in the hair in frustration.

"No!" I finally said. "Why should I? That's my girlfriend crying in your lap." I exclaimed, shocked with how rude they had become to me. Turned their back on their precious little Dylan's mean boyfriend huh?

Her name isn't Dylan either. Her name is Delilah, and that's what she should be called. Dylan makes her sound like a boy.

"I think it's time to get out." Andy comes up behind. "You've done enough." I roll my eyes, raising an eyebrow.

{Hi, so heres more. I hope this wasn't to poorly written, because I've noticed I've been slacking on my effort. I'm sorry about that! Also, in this story, for progression purposes, Cody is homophobic/transphobic. And I appologize right now because as hard as it is for me to even read about people like that, it will be even harder to write as one of those people.

QOTD: what are some cool offbeat names for a girl?


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