It All Started When My Mom Called

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*7 years ago*

The rain beat hard as I got on the plane without even telling him goodbye. I couldn't bare to see the hurt in his eyes, but as soon as the plane took off, I knew I had fucked up. I could never face my best friend again, and he'd never forgive me for leaving on a dime. I just could no longer stay with everything that was a.going on. I just hoped he could understand, and would remember me by what I'd given him before I left.

I said goodbye to the life I would surely miss, I said goodbye to Georgia, but I never said goodbye to the one person  that meant the world to me...

*Present Day*

I groaned to myself as my phone rang forcing me to quit working on an order for work. People always called at the most inconvenient times lately. I plucked the phone from off the night stand and answered.


"Kayla!" Mom's voice rang through.

"What's up, Mom?" I asked.

"I need you to get here," she said, her voice strained.

"Are you okay?" I asked shooting up off my bed.

"I just need you to get here, alright?"

"On the way," I mumbled while slipping on my shoes. Thankfully, I still had my jeans and t-shirt on, so I just grabbed my keys and ran for my car.

Of course, I forgot to get gas earlier, so I didn't have enough to get there. What point was there in risking breaking down on the road? It seemed time consuming. I grabbed my skateboard since it was only a couple streets down. 

I could get there fast, right?

Nearly getting hit by cars obviously was a good time, but my mom needed me, and I had to help her. It took me a good ten minutes to get that far, and by the time I did, I collected my board and ran up the steps onto the porch. I pounded on the door until she answered.

"What's going on?" I asked, out of breath. My heart raced, and it felt like I was going to pass out.

"Look, nothing's wrong," she began,"Well, not what you would think. Your dad and I are okay."

"Mom, what the heck? I just dropped everything and got here, and not because I enjoy almost getting hit by cars. What's going on?"

"Someone's here to see you, and I knew you wouldn't come if I said that. I was happy, and crying because it's been so long."

"Who's here?"

"Promise me you'll talk to him? He begged me to help him. He literally begged for my help. You can't shoot the poor guy down."

"Yes, whatever, just tell me who it is."

"Come on," she said with a slight smile.

I followed her to the living room slowly unsure of what to think. Who would look for me? Who would ask my mother for me? Why?

"Tyler, she's here,Sweetie," my mom said almost sympathetically.

Tyler? As in Derek Tyler Carter? I hadn't seen him in seven years, and hoped he'd never find me. I couldn't bare to explain why I'd left my former best friend the way I had so long ago. I couldn't handle it. Could it really be him? Why would he come looking for me now that he's this big star? He had plenty of friends, a good job, and a different life now. Why would he need me?

As my mom stepped away for me to get in the room, I saw him. Yep. That's the guy. He didn't look too much different than I had I remembered him. His eyes still were the bluest id ever seen as they met mine. My heart pounded even harder. Shit.

"I'll let you two talk," my mom said while looking at me as if to say there was no getting out of it.

I watched as she walked away, and Tyler stood up. He brushed off his jeans and flashed the friendly smile I'd missed so badly. He looked as nervous as I felt, and I'd know.

"Umm, hey," I mumbled nervously.

"Don't just stand there. It's been seven years, and I could use a hug already," he chuckled softly in that southern voice I used to love. The only difference was his voice was a little deeper. Still, I could tell he was upset from the cracks in his speech.

I didn't hesitate at all to wrap my arms around him tightly. As short as he was, he still was taller than me after all those years. Damn I'd missed him. I'd missed everything about him.

"Congrats on artist of the year," I mumbled into his chest.

"Thanks. You kept up with my music career?"

"Ever since A Path Less Traveled," I admitted,"I always knew you'd make it far."

"As much as I love talking about my music, I think we both know what I came to talk about, Kay," he said.

"You want to talk at my place? I like it here, but I think I left my oven on, and id rather not burn my home down."

"That's cool, I guess. You mind if I drive?"

"I rode a skateboard here. I almost got hit by three cars. I'd love for you to drive."

"Are you two leaving?" Mom asked as she came downstairs.

"Yes, Mrs. Croft," Tyler said for us.

"It was nice seeing you, hon," my mom smiled before hugging him,"If you guys feel like coming back for dinner tonight, the offer is all yours."

"We'll see, Mom," I added as I picked up my board.

I followed Tyler to his car in silence. Please let this go well. He rolled up his sleeves the way he did when were younger. I wondered if he was still the same guy I grew up with. I knew I had changed. A lot had happened in those seven years. It'd been a very dark time, but I did what I had to to get through. I changed.

"Where are you working now?" he asked.

"I work at Walmart. I also design t-shirts sometimes when I need more cash. My parents help me occasionally. Nothing special."

He paused. I instructed him on how to get to my place which left little room for conversation. Hearing him hum along to the radio made me smile the same way it had when we were younger.

As we pulled into my driveway, I took a deep breath. We entered my place slowly. Here we go...

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