Chapter 1- shifting seats

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Step by step, I felt like I was closer to hell than I already was. My mind starts to think of all the possibilities I could have done, if only I didn't have to wake up so early . As a student council, I shouldn't feel this way, but who wouldn't if you have to wake up at 7.30 am just to attend a meeting?

"Good morning, Arielle. You look tired," my best friend, Jenna, commented, looking concerned. "What happened?"

I smiled tiredly at her before stretching.

"How can you not be tired? We woke up so early, I mean, look around. Everyone who lives in this town are still asleep." I pointed at the houses nearby our school, all their lights off.

"Well, I am the class president," Jenna shrugged, before continuing. "But compared to you, I'm nothing, really. Come on, Arielle. I've been friends with you for almost a year now, and I've never seen you like this!"

"I didn't sleep well last night, okay?" I groaned, slumping my shoulders.

I looked at Jenna. She's so different from me. She had curly wavy blonde hair and bright, sea foam eyes while I have bright, brown eyes and dark, brown wavy hair with chestnut highlights. I have a tan and.. Well, she doesn't.

I got into trouble for those highlights once. The teachers said something about discipline? I swear, that was the one time I got into serious trouble. I didn't bother to dye the highlights back, though.

Jenna was a fun and cheerful person, while I consider myself a really boring and dull person. She is sassy and open up easily to people, while I take some time to trust others.

But I can be sassy and sarcastic too, so bitches better beware.

"Hey, the meeting's almost starting," Jenna informed me and pulled my arm. I grumbled under my breath but let her take me away as I felt my soul leave my body.


"Your house is not even that far away from here!" Our teacher, Mrs Holt, our teacher, shouted. And boy, if she wasn't a teacher and if murder was legal, the class would've died by now.

Scott Benson opened his mouth to explain, but Mrs Holt beat him to it. She refused to listen to reason, because the reasoning centers of her brain have been short-circuited.

"Detention for you tomorrow," She growled and stared at Scott, perhaps looking for a reaction. Scott Benson, however, sighed and shrugged it off.

I let out a huff, knowing that detention won't change a thing for Scott. He's known throughout for his 'bad boy' image and reputation. He's one of the most popular jock in the school, and god knows how many one night stand he has had.

Really, if detention could teach him a lesson, he would've been disciplined a long time ago.

Scott looked over at me, then smirked. I raised an eyebrow, giving him a face.

Scott and I have never talked, although we knew each other for almost a year now. Well, he's a jackass, I'm supposed to be the disciplined one, so there really is a thin line between us.

Mrs Holt gave a sigh, then saw Scott looking at me. She then grinned, as if she has a great idea coming.

She clapped her hands, making us pay attention to her. I shifted my position to see the teacher's face better. It's hard sitting at the very back, especially with tall people in front of me. Mrs Holt has put me behind as so that I could watch over the class and discipline them better. Really, no one could even notice if I were to take out my phone now.

"Alright, class." Mrs Holt announced. "Let's change some seats. Brook, sit next to Hailey. Vanessa, sit next to Joel."

Scott raised an eyebrow, standing up and letting Vanessa sit in his place.

"Scott..." The teacher scanned around, biting her lips. Her eyes then landed on me.

"You'll be sitting next to Arielle." The teacher announced. Scott made a face, looking at me. I heaved out a small groan.

"What?! No! Anyone but her." Scott protested, but Mrs Holt shook her head.

"Nope. I've made my decision. Hurry change." She ordered, giving him a death glare.

Scott cursed under his breath, and when Mrs Holt turned around, he pointed his middle finger at her.

He slumped down beside me, and I pursed my lips.

"Look, I don't want you getting the wrong idea, alright? I don't like goody-two shoes girls like you," Scott muttered, rolling his eyes.

I gaped at him, slamming my table lightly. I crossed my arms, glaring at him.

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