Chapter 2- we're the Reese family

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I've never been talked to like that. Since I'm the student council, people tend to actually respect me.

"What did you just say?" I asked, glaring at him.

"That I don't go for goody- two shoes people like you. Why? Are you gonna book me, princess?" He repeated, snickering.

"Actually, no. I don't like this any more than you do, so just shut up." I retorted, glaring at him.

"'Shut up'? Ooh, she can actually say vulgar. I gotta tell the principal about this," He teased, grinning. "You're enjoying every minute of this, aren't you?"

"You can't decide if I enjoy this or not, Scott. Just.. Shh. I want to focus," I gave him a low growl.

"Anyone enjoys my company. Stop denying it."

"Denying." I said, shrugging.

"You'll love me sooner or later," Scott winked.

"Later. Definitely much, much later." I replied, distancing my chair away from him.

Scott stared at me and shrugged. He then took out a pen and started spinning it around, which, by the way, annoyed me the whole day.

This is gonna be one long year.


"And he's such a jackass! His father should've worn a condom. His mistake," I grumbled, eating my sandwich.

"You gotta chill. Maybe he's not that bad after you get to know him?" Jenna replied.

"That's what they all say, Jenna." I said flatly.

"Give him a chance," Jenna placed a hand on my arm, making me groan.

Of course Jenna doesn't get it, she's dating Patrick. He's one of the sweetest guy I know. He's not really popular or someone that girls would go for, but he's really sweet and nice and funny. I looked over at Scott. Why can't he be more like Patrick?

Scott's really dark brown hair swayed in the wind, and his bright chestnut eyes looked at mine.

He caught me staring at him and winked, before joining his friends.

I rolled my eyes, silently planning my murder on Mrs Holt. I didn't know she hated me that much. Jenna put a reassuring hand on my arm and smiled. I sent her another smile in return. Now I'll just have to deal with that jackass sitting beside me.


I don't want to go home. I just don't feel like it. I never feel safe when going home. My family's a little bit.. different.

I rang the doorbell, and my mom opened the door. She smiled at me, then gestured me to come in.

I smiled back, then rushed upstairs to my room. I closed the door, taking a deep breath.

"Arielle, honey. Do come out at seven for dinner downstairs, okay?" My mom announced outside my door.

"Okay, just let me change." I sighed, and I can only imagine my mom nodding.

Can I please don't come? I don't wanna deal with my family, not after Scott.

But I guess nothing could go wrong today.

I guessed wrongly. Again. I'm always getting false hopes. I honestly thought that today was gonna be fine, seeing that my parents haven't argued yet.

In the middle of dinner, my mom turned to me to talk.

But then she saw the magenta lipstick stain on my father's collar. She didn't want to argue with him no more, so she ran to the bathroom.

"Dad's been cheating again," I whispered to Josh, my older brother.

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