Chapter 3- cheaters and kisses

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"And the chemical formula for this is.." I murmured, flipping through my textbook. The test is almost starting and everyone's basically just running around.

Some of us, like me example, actually take exams very seriously.

"Hey," Jenna called out, sitting beside me. "Whatcha got there?"

"Chemistry." I replied, my eyes not leaving the book.

"You don't even have to revise, oh my gosh, Arielle! You're always the top in class and you have memorized every ounce of the periodic table!" Jenna exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

"Not all of them.." I muttered, shrugging.

"How many, exactly?"

"118," I replied.

"How many elements are there?" She asked again, raising an eyebrow.

I pursed my lips, then looked at her.


Jenna stared at me blankly, then took a deep breath.

"I'm so done with you." She muttered, making me laugh.

"Class, settle. The test will begin shortly. Now let's first recap on.."

Scott slumped down behind me. He picked his jacket up, before hugging it.

"It's so nice to be behind. Just tell me when she stops talking," Scott whispered, closing both his eyes.

"Scott! I'll be the one in trouble. Hey! Wake up!" I whispered, hitting his arm with my book.

"Really? The only trouble you're gonna get is just scolding from the teacher. No biggie." Scott replied, his voice getting softer and softer by the minute.

"Scott!" I protested, hitting him harder. "That's the point. I don't want my reputation to be blown!"

"You talk like you've got a good one," he replied in an annoyed tone, his eyes still closed. "Come on, Arielle. Do something fun once in a while. You just.. Gotta chill sometimes, you know?"

"You know, there's this thing called 'wanting to have a good future'"

"And? Have you thought of the future?" Scott asked, opening both his eyes.

"Yea. I don't want to end up like.. I mean, I want to be a doctor," I lied. Well, a doctor's a good job, but in this case..

What I wanted to say was 'I don't want to end up like my parents'. My parents.. What am I suppose to do with them?

"You know what's the best thing about sitting behind?" Scott asked, smirking.

I raised an eyebrow, my instincts telling me that he's not gonna do anything good.

"If I burn the school down now with my lighter, no one will know it's me!" he grinned

I stared at him and shake my head. "How does that even work?"

He shrugged. "You love me," Scott smirked, his arm leaning against the table.

"Scott." I started, but the teacher was already handing out papers.

"You may begin now," the teacher announced as all of us flipped the paper.

I grinned. I knew all of the answers. They were all so easy.

The first few questions I was able to answer them easily. Then my mind started to wander off little by little.

This morning. No, Arielle. Focus on the test. But this morning. I had to sit through breakfast with my mom and dad not talking at all.

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