Chapter 4- change

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"Dad's at it again," Josh sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Why can't we be a normal, happy family?" I asked Josh as my eyes begin to water.

"Cause dad just had to cheat on mom. Really, who knows what he was thinking that day," Josh replied, taking a deep breath. "Anyway, Have fun in school."

Josh kissed my forehead, before waving goodbye.

He's going to cut school again. My brother sucks at acting and hiding things, so trust me when I say I would always know when he's planning something.

I sighed and walked out of the door. How do I discipline Scott now? I better not get my hopes up high. Many teachers has tried, really.

I don't know anymore. How am I suppose to deal with Cindy?

She's going to start screaming at me and making me the center of attention. Please no.

I gotta start revising. I just got an A- on my last test and I'm not letting it go. That was the first minus I've ever gotten in my whole school years.

I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for the bus. I had a lot to deal with and I knew that my responsibilities as a student council and a daughter will never escape me.


"X equals to Y. So Y has to be 96," I mumbled.

I groaned in frustration. Oh my gosh, the class. They just decided to become zoo animals today. Of all days.

Scott put his books on the table, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Oh? You're early today," I commented.

"Well, of course. I decided to be good," Scott said, shrugging. "Nah, just kidding. I just needed your help, that's all."

"My help?" I inquired, looking at him.

"Yes, your help. Don't make me repeat. I need your help in physics. If I fail another test..." Scott sighed, taking a deep breath. "Just help me?"

"What's the P word?" I asked him, grinning.


"Try again."

"Don't make me do this." Scott said, squinting his eyes.

"No, Scott. Don't make me do this." I repeated, waving my perfect A+ physics paper in front of his face.

Scott sighed, giving in. He looked at the ceiling, trying to find the perfect words.

"Oh, student counsellor Arielle Reese. Will you pretty please help teach me physics?" Scott said, shrugging.

"Oh, my gosh. Yes, yes." I said through laughters, wiping a tear from my eyes.

"Stop it," Scott said through gritted teeth. "I'll come to your place?"

"What?! No. Not my house." I replied, panicking a little.

"Why not? He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's-" my family, was what I wanted to say. But since I don't want anyone, especially Scott, to know, I just replaced it. "My cat."

See how much of a genius I am?

"Your.. Cat?" He asked, cocking his head to the left.

"Yes, he gets scratchy sometimes," I replied, pursing my lips.

"Okay then. After school. My place."

He bought it. He actually bought it.

"Why're you revising for?" Scott asked, looking at my book.

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