Chapter Five...

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I opened my bathroom door, trying to be as quiet as possible so I won't disturb anyone else In the house. I close the door behind me and lock it, I turn the tap on and splash water on to my face removing my make-up.

I walked over to my bed, taking my dress off and replacing It with shorts and a vest. I snuggle up Into my cover, replaying today's events In my head, before I drift off Into a deep sleep.


''Yeah okay, I get'' I snapped at my alarm clock. I really don't think It has any right to wake me up at 6:30 In the morning.

I try and get a couple more minutes before I get up. But obviously god wouldn't be that nice to me. I feel all my warmth suddenly pulled off me.

''GET UP MADDIE!'' A very too - familiar voice shouts at me

''Gemma, Its too early for shouting, and Its too early to be awoken''

She justs laughs at .. I really didn't think what I said was funny.

''C'mon. I even got you're school clothes out to save you the effort''

''Oh, well thanks, but I'm still going back to sleep''

''Oh, no you're not'' She grabbed my ankles and dragged me off my bed on a very hard floor.

I thought carpets are meant to be kinda soft?

I slowly got up, while glaring at Gemma who has a smirk on her face

''I'll get you back'' I threaten her.

''Oooh, I'm scared''

I grabbed my school clothes and go to the bathroom.

Once I finished having my shower, putting my school clothes on and doing my light make-up.

I wonder down the stairs, Into the kitchen and grab a Apple.

Gemma' gets up and says goodbye to my parents, leaving me to say goodbye as well.

''Bye, Mum Bye, Dad'' I wave slightly at them and walk out of my house.

I get Into the car, and wait for Gemma to start the car off, which she doesn't, I turn around to see her looking at me.

''Are you okay?'' She asks. ''About Alex, he's a jerk. He clearly was to blind to see an amazing girl already in front of him''

A small smile tugs at my lips.

''I guess, I mean I'm hurt and I don't want to see him, otherwise I'll probably brake down. But I guess It was bound to happen''

She knew what I meant by that, And didn't bother talking about him again.

Alex, has always been a player. Everyday when we were best friends, there was always a different girl with him.

I can see why everyone fell for him, he had the gorgeous light brown-ish eyes, Light brown hair and a smile which could win over any girl.

Me and Alex have been best friends since we were little, never argued unless It was him stealing my food, or him just teasing me. One day, In high-school he started getting a lot more popular. Eventually after a while I gave up trying to be friends with him. But then one day his family came round and he apologizes and stuff, and then we became just as close as we were when we were little, and then one day he asked me out. Yeah I did think he was cute, but I knew I didn't have feelings In that way, but I still said yes. After a while I think I did become to start liking more than a friend.


I walked Into second period, Science. I actually enjoy Science, It's pretty interesting. I go and sit In my seat, at the front of the classroom.

Yeah I'm a nerd, good girl, or whatever you want to call me.

''Mr.Jenner, please take your seat'' I look up to see Mrs. Lynne's talking to the school Bad Boy, Brayden Jenner.

He turned around to catch me looking at him, and winked at me.

I feel my face turn a shade of red. I turn around and hide my face.

Why was I blushing?

Halfway through the lesson, I see a piece of paper-scrunched up In a ball- Land on my table.

I open It up to read;

You're cute when you blush.

                           - Brayden.

I think I may have gone redder than a tomato.

I blush too much.


3 days In a row now!

I probably won't update tomorrow, but I don't know yet :')

ALEX ON THE SIDE ------------>

Today's song for this Chapter Is...

Falling In Reverse - Good Girls Bad Guys

''So why do good girls like bad guys?

I had this question for a real long time

I've been a bad boy and its plain to see

so why do good girls fall in love with me.''

The video Is In the 'External Link', since It wouldn't work In the 'YouTube Video'



FAN.. <3

- Marilyn ;D

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