Chapter Nine...

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''Ah, for f*cks sake. Why Is she here?'' Brayden screamed at me.

''Brayden!" His mum scolded.

He stromed at of the room.

''Sorry dear, he's been like this since he came In from school. I don't know why though" She exclaims

''It's fine. We're not friends anyways" I reply

''Here, I'll show your new room. You can decorate It and stuff, since this Is basically your 2nd home." She showed me Into a beautiful large room.

My jaw literally droped to the floor

"Is this room alright. There Is another guest room If you want."

"No, Mrs. Jenner this Is beyond perfect"

"Oh please call me Sam" She says

"I'll call you down for dinner later, and I'll introduce you to everyone" She says, walking out of the room

Wow, It's perfect In here.

There's a huge double bed, sofa, huge flatscreen TV. The walls are a dark shade of purple and the floor Is a fluffy white carpet.

No doubt I'll drop something on the. floor and stain It.

I wapk over to the pile of clothes and put them Into the wardrobes and put my; Bring Me The Horizon, Her Bright Skies, Black Vei Brides, My Chemical Romance posters up.

"You have good taste In music" I jump at the voice that just spoke

He chuckles "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" He put out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Ben you must be Maddie?"

"Yeah. Nice to meet you Ben" I shake his hand.

Ben had Green eyes, Longish big brown hair, Beautiful facial features. He was pretty tall, well that might just be to me, since I'm smallish.

"So how old are you Maddie?" He ask's glancing at my posters.

"I'm 17. You?"

"23" He casually replies

"Really? You look about 18"

"Yeah, I get that alot"


"Could I ask you something Maddie?"

I nod In reply.

"What happened to your face?" He asks coming closer.

I could feel his breath hitching.on my neck.

"I ... I ... I fell"

"No you didn't. It's okay though. They'll get what they deserve" He said before pressing his lips onto mine.

He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I gladly agreed too.

I wish It was Brayden.

No Maddie! Why would you even think that.

He pulled away from the kiss.

"I think we better get going, dinners ready" He grabbed my hand leading me out of my room.

We walked Into the dining room, which there was a big table In the middle.

"Is their something going on here" Mrs.Jenner smirk; Gesturing towards our intwined figures.

"No Mum" Ben says, pushing me down on a seat Inbetween him and Brayden.

"Here you go love" Mrs. Jenner says passing a plate of food, which I happily took from her.

"Maddie, this Is Marcy. My daughter" She says pointing to a youngish girl, about five.

She had blonde long hair, darkish skin, most likely tanned and piercing blue eyes.

She's beautiful!

"Ello, Maddie" She says gently

"Hello" I smile at her.

"And well I see you've already met Ben and Brayden"

I nodded In response.

Why did I kiss him? That was wrong of me.

I heard a slam of a door and relised Brayden had walked out.

"Ben, honey after you've eaten could you check on your brother" His mums ask's him

He didn't reply. Don't they get on?

"If you want I'll go and check on him?" I ask her

"Oh, you don't have to sweetie"

"No, It's fine"

I got up and went up the stairs on my search to find his room.

I looked along the hall.

I saw a door with pink faires on the door and burst out laughing, Imagine if that was his room.

"Hey! Fairies are awesome! Don't diss'" I hear a voice say I turned around to see Brayden stood there with his arms folded giving me a warning look.

I burst out laughing even more, If that Is even possible.

"Oh my god! I can so imagine you In a pink fairy costume" My cheeks hurt too much.

"Wi .. with a wan.. wand" I laugh out

"Hey. My wardrobe Is full of my costumes!"

"Hey one minute!" He says running Into Marcy's room.

He came out In a fairy costume and wand.

I burst out laughing; getting my phone out and taking a sneaky picture.

"Hey wait did you just .." he ask's

"And It's uploading to Facebook right" I glanced at my phone

"Now" I finish off

"Ugh, I'm going to get you" He runs after me; chasing me down the hall.

I ran for my life; but obviously me being me I trip over Air.

I landed on the floor with a loud bang.

He straddled me.

I couldn't help but blush.

What was wrong with me?

"Hahah got you now"

He started to tickle me.

"N... no ... pl ... ease .. I'm .... sooo... rry" I breathed out

"Say the magic word"

"Pl.. ease?"

"Aha the magic word Is 'Brayden Is a sex god'"

"I'm .. no .. t .. say .. ing ... that"

He tickled me even harder.

"N ... no .. pl ..ease" I laughed.

"Magic word Princess" He smirked

"Ok.. ay. Bray .. den Is .. a .. Sex god"

"See I stopped didn't I" He winked

I just glared at him.

"Awwwwwwwww! You'se too are so cute together!" A little girl screamed.




How was this Chapter??? <3

Guys I'm Changing Colton Haynes from the main Character ... I just think someone else will fit more better as him .. and It's Ben Bruce (Perfection). I just think he suits It a lot more than Colton. I will be Changing the Book cover later aswell <3

MADDIE AT THE SIDE---------------->

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