Chapter Seven...

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I tired to cover up my bruises on my face face, as much as possible. You can still see purple hints on my cheecks, and near my eye's. I have bruises along my chest, down my back and down my leg. But my mum said I can skip P.E.

My mum decided to drive me to school this morning, Instead of Gemma. I grab my bag and head out of the door. Even now, two days after the 'attack' I'm scared .. That's normal though .. right? I'm always looking over my shoulder. My mum said I shouldn't be going to school, knowing how sore I am, but I can't miss these last few weeks off school, since I have my Exams coming up soon.

''Bye mum'' I say getting out of the car.

''Are you sure you're well enough, dear?'' She asks

''Mum, Sssh! I'm fine. Honestly. Just a bit sore, that is all!'' I tell her

I don't want to tell her the truth, about any off this. I know it will worry her, and she'll probably end up going to the police.

I don't want to see there faces again, I don't want to be anywhere near them.

I walk through the school gates, keeping my head low so nobody see's me.

''HEY! Maddie! HEY!'' I hear a girl voice shout at me


I hear the heels on her feet clicking over here.

''Maddie, where the f*ck have you been! I've been calling you, texting you. But no reply!'' She shouts.

Of course she doesn't ask me If I'm okay.

'Sorry Gemma, I've been busy.' I reply 

''Busy my arse!'' Gemma shrieks (A/N Is It Ass or Arse? :L) 

''Sorry'' I put my head down even furthur 

''Okay, forgiven just don't scare me again Missy!'' She embraces me tightly


I still haven't looked up yet.

''MADDIE! what the hell. What have you done to you're face!'' She asks/screams Inspecting my face.

''I ... I ... I fe .. fell'' I stutter 

''No. You. Did. Not''

''I .. um .. did''

''Maddie, who did this? Tell me now. Right now!''

''Tell, who what?'' A deepish voice ask's

No. No. No.

She'll tell him.

''Look at her face''

She moves my face sideways to show him.

''WOAH! What the fuck happened to your face?!'' He screams. Thanks.

Does everyone like screaming today?

''Maddie, who did this? Tell me now. They are f*cking dead, once I see them. Nobody touches you!'' She shouts holding me

What does he mean by that?

No Maddie, don't think of that


''I .. fell'' I say softly

''No you didn't Maddie. Tell me'' He said shaking me.

I did the only thing I thought of. I ran Into the school.


Short .. I know .. I'm sorry! Forgive me?! Pweeaasee!

Anywhore I need to say something.


Seriously, even If you hate this story, and you just checked It out.

Thank you! You actually took time to read It!

Thank you to everyone who comments aswell!

I love reading them.

Thank you to everyone who votes!


BRAYDEN AT THE SIDE--------------->>

Ugh I could die.


Today's song; (By the way, this Is just the song I listened too while writing the Chapter)

 Sleeping With Sirens - Roger Rabbit:

'Nobody's gonna love you if
You can't display a way to capture this
Nobody's gonna hold your hand
And guide you through
It's up for you to understand
Nobody's gonna feel your pain
When all is done
And it's time for you to walk away
When you have today
You should say all that you have to say'

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