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The Doctor stood before her. Clara let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding, and wrapped her arms around him in relief.
     "Thank god it's you, and not...something else."
     "I thought I told you to not wander off?" The Doctor asked, pulling back from the bear hug and placing his hands on her shoulders. He looked at her seriously, "You appear to be making a habit of this."
     "In my defence, you didn't actually say 'Don't wander off'."
     "Well..." He waved his hands about, searching for a response, "Do I have to say it every time?"
     "Saying something would be nice. Sometimes it's, 'Don't wander off', other times it's 'split up and look for clues gang'. I can't read your mind." Clara was satisfied; she had won the argument, again.
     The Doctor stood up straight, and fiddled with his bowtie, "Well, Clara Oswald, no more wandering off. Ay?"
     "Yes, sir." Clara turned and followed him as he led the way down another corridor. She noticed how he was walking quickly and confidently; a drastic change to the previous slow-moving, almost crouched walking he was doing earlier. "Do you know where we're going?"
     "I should hope so." He responded after a second.Meanwhile, red warning lights still flashed overhead. Giving Clara the excuse she needed for why she felt uneasy.

"Prepare to fire on Dalek ship!" London was the site of the last fully-functioning UNIT Headquarters, but the commotion was endless. As the Daleks had fired on the moon, the world had stood still, everyone stopped and watched. Then, as the first fragments of moon entered the atmosphere, everything happened at once. Cities were destroyed, tidal waves engulfed many holiday destinations; even the Hoover Dam had collapsed from head-on collisions with the moon-rock. Many telephone lines were down, but between those that still worked it had been decided that firing on the Daleks was the only way. The Daleks seemingly had no idea they had been spotted; their shields were down, and now they were just sitting ducks. Which is why Laura Davidson, the current leader of UNIT, was not convinced that this was the way forward. She did not believe that the Daleks were this careless, and she did not believe that this is what the Doctor would do. Her most trusted adviser, Thomas Wheatley, was the one who had shouted the order. He was tall, well kept, and his brown eyes matched his hair. He was a confident man, and had served at Laura's side for some time. However, he had never met the Doctor face-to-face, only ever hearing stories of the traveller from the stars who would come and go as he pleased. Thomas had little respect for the man.
     Laura briskly walked over to him, he was standing in the middle of a monitor filled room; people were rushing about all around, busily doing their various jobs. She looked past him at the red 'One Minute Countdown' on the large screen in front of them, now at 57 seconds. "This isn't what the Doctor would do." She protested.
     "The Doctor isn't here. I know you don't like it, but this could be our time to strike, Ma'am. Their shields are down, and in 54 seconds the ship itself will be."

The Doctor and Clara arrived back at the TARDIS. On their way, Clara had seen a screen come to life, and a countdown display, reading 30 seconds, had filled the monitor. The Doctor hadn't given a reason for it, he had just kept walking. He tried to open the TARDIS door as he came to it, but appeared to have difficulty opening it. He turned to Clara, "Do you have a key?" She could tell that he was trying very hard to remain calm, and this made her no longer trust the man in front of her. She shook her head. Then his face suddenly became overcome with anger, and his body began to deform. Orange suckers protruded from him, his face became inset, and an earthy, iron odour filled the air. The Zygon stood up straight, towering over Clara - she backed away.
     "Clara! Get down!"
     She trusted the voice immediately and ducked, a small device flew overhead; it struck the Zygon in the chest and four light blue energy beams wrapped themselves around the monster, immobilising it's arms. The beams then electrocuted the Zygon, and it fell to the floor with a thud. Clara looked up slowly, then got to her feet. She didn't have chance to look round as the Doctor ushered her forwards, "Into the TARDIS, go!" Clara jumped inside the doors, which had opened just after the Doctor had clicked his fingers. He paused at the door and took note of the countdown on the far wall, 3 seconds, 2 seconds... He dragged the Zygon inside the TARDIS, and it dematerialised just as a missile was launched from the planet below.

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