Unfriendly Welcome

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The Doctor stood up and returned the sonic to his pocket, then reached forwards slowly, his hand contacted nothing. "They've taken down the forcefield. Let's go say hello." He starts to walk forwards, an unsure Clara follows closely, watching as the camera disappears under the surface again.
     "Where are we going?" She pokes her head round and walks alongside him.
     "Hopefully towards one of the craters with a built in eco-dome. It's like a really big...dome, that contains everything necessary for plant life to thrive. Every one of them is protected by a forcefield, which-" He scans up with the screwdriver again before returning it to his pocket, "-has now been reactivated again."
     "Couldn't we have gotten a little closer?" Clara asks.
     "Haven't you been paying attention? I couldn't get past the forcefield." The Doctor responds, and starts to walk slightly faster. Suddenly he stops, and looks down. Clara picks up her pace but he holds out his arm to slow her down again. "We're here." He says, smiling. She looks down, and her eyes widen. They were stood on the edge of a massive crater. A large dome reaches up to ground level, covering almost the whole area of the hole. Inside the dome it looks like a jungle, with almost every kind of plant life imaginable, thriving on this once desolate moon.
     "Woah." Clara remarks. Completely taken aback by this sight before her. She hadn't expected this, but it was beautiful.
     "I know." The Doctor replies, smiling. Then the ground seems to rise up behind them as an 'elevator' protrudes the surface. Once the moon dust had settled the shining silver metal doors open, revealing just enough room for three people to stand. The Doctor starts to walk towards it, followed quickly by Clara.
     "How come everything is coming from underground?" She asks, the Doctor readies himself to explain as they step inside the lift.
     "There are a network of tunnels and caverns under the surface. All at different levels and sizes." The elevator doors close and they feel it going down. "The inhabitants of the moon only use the craters for plant life. Everyone else stays underground because without the bubble...well, no breathing. I presume someone somewhere gives people permission every now and then to go up to the surface and check everything is...the same."
     "Right." Clara responds. "You know this isn't ordinary right? And you just completely threw 'plain' out the window."
     The Doctor frowns, "Well...just...shut up." The elevator stops and the doors open slowly to reveal a man stood a few feet from the door. The travellers step out the lift and he 'welcomes' them.
     He begins, "Welcome to moon eco-crater 7. Follow me." He turns and walks down the passageway. The Doctor and clara exchange brief glances before following. He was wearing a uniform of sorts, it looked too...military, which concerned the Doctor slightly. They took a right through a sliding metal door and into a room filled with rows of monitors on a gentle slope. A large screen filled the wall at the bottom of the slope. It showed an image of the TARDIS with men in suits surrounding it; taking readings. The man who had escorted them here wanders off to sit at one of the monitor screens and a woman in a black suit holding a clipboard approaches them.
     "Who the hell are you?" She greets sternly. The Doctor glances at Clara before opening his mouth to speak. She interrupts, "We'll talk in my office." They stroll to the back of the room where she opens a door and walks inside. She sits behind a desk. The Doctor stands opposite. Clara closes the door behind her.

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