Don't Get To Steamy In Here

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Hey guys! Here's that chapter I promised!!

And I need an editor, so if you are one , pm me!! c:

Picture of Cali c:

Clary's POV

"My room?" I asked dumbfounded.

I looked around the room. Two bean bags were placed in the corner by the closet, and a blue lamp sitting next to it. The walls were covered in posters, with Christmas lights strewn about them. Pretty simple.

"Yup," he said popping the "p".

"And this isn't"

"My room?" he cut off. "Yeah. It's mine"

Wait. "Then where will we be sleeping?"

He pointed to one of the bean bags, the larger one. "I'll be sleeping on that, you'll be sleeping on the bed."

"I swear, if you fucked that rachet girlfriend of yours on that bed, I'm not sleeping on that," I said, and shuddered at the thought.

He laughed. "One, that selfish bitch isn't my girlfriend anymore, ai broke it off when you left. And two, I'm a virgin."

I sighed. "Then I'll sleep on the- hold up, you're a virgin?"

He blushed. "Uhm, yeah..." he trailed off.

"Did not see that coming. Anyways, sure I'll sleep on the bed, I guess."

He nodded, then opened his closet door. He pulled out blankets and pillows for him, and started to make his bed. I sat down on the bed, laying down shortly after. I got under the covers and breathed in deep. It smelled like Hyde's cologne.

I don't want to leave this spot.

"Do you want to take a shower? Change? I ca n leave the room," Hyde said once he was done making his bed.

I stood up. "I'll shower in the morning, but I'll change now. I can just change in the bathroom. Wait there's my suitcase?" I asked.

He walked towards the door. "Still outside. I'll get it."

He walked out, closing the door softly behind him. I took this as the chance to use my stalker skills and look around his room. On his night stand was a purple lava lamp, with a picture next to it. It was the boys, and Aviana and Cali. They were all in swin suits, probably around the ages of 12-13, with their arms around eachother, smiling from ear-to-ear while standing in front of a gorgeous lake.

The door opened again and it was PJ. "Hey, girly, I just wanted to check on you. And here," he tossed me yet another pack of gummy bears, "keep them safe. They're my special babies."
He winked and left the room, making me feel confused as hell. Before he could fully exit, however, Hyde came back with my suit case. PJ winked at Hyde and whispered, "Don't get to steamy in here."

He giggled, then made a straight face. "Seriously though, Cali is using all of the hot water, you'll use all of the warm air and we'll all frezze to death."

Hyde shook his head and shut the door on PJ. I laughed a little. "His logic is so legit."

"I know," Hyde smiled.

He handed me my suit case and I quickly grabbed my pajamas, and jogged to his bathroom. I closed the door and started to strip. I slid my Pokémon pj shorts on and my Batman tee. I put my hair in a messy bun- well, most of my hair. My hair is so layered it can't all stay in. I walked out and climbed back in the bed.

Hyde kissed my cheek and walked over to his palet on the floor. "Sweet dreams, Clary," and he flipped the switch making the room vo pitch black.

At least he could see me blushing.

Kind of a filled. Sucks I know. I'll update again tomorrow! Promise! Goodnight lovelies!!


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