Title: Faith, Hope & Love
Category: general fiction, random
Weird geeky author: Drop_Of_Inspiration
Credits: P!nk's song Sober, plus the Bible (duh) and Taylor Swift's song Eyes Open, which helped me even if I didn't put the lyrics in anywhere.
Btw: been a while since I've last written, hey? This is pretty short, though, but I felt like doing something, and if you want more, you can vote and/or request in the comments :) btw if you're depressed, please, you don't have to do it alone xxBroken down in agony, just tryna find a friend ...
How did I even get here? I don't even know. Sometimes my life feels like a shadow of what my life should be. It's as though I'm not living at all. So dull, so pointless ... what's the point? If the only thing I'm going to feel is what I'm feeling right now, then I don't want to feel anymore. We're all broken, just some more than others, and I think it's time for me to face the fact that I'm more broken than others.
Lifeless limbo. That's what I'm stuck in. Permanently.
I suppose I can't say I haven't lived. I've lived and I've loved, but more than anything else, I've hurt. Nothing relieves me of the pain, because even if I feel better, the problems never go away. Neither do the ghosts. The ghosts of the past. I can't leave it behind. People don't change, but feelings do. That being said, don't feelings make up a large part of us? Maybe people do change. Unless you're a sociopath. What's with the evils of this world? I mean, I mess up like the rest of us, but do I deserve to be treated this way? They shouldn't treat me the way they do. They shouldn't judge me, unless they're perfect themselves.
It's a blur. It's all a blur. I can't make sense of anything, not when it all feels so disconnected and confusing and foreign. I feel alienated, and I think I always have. "Drink bleach." "Go crawl up into a ditch and die." Sometimes I cry. Other times I just scream. But through everything I've been through, I keep going. Why? Firstly, humans have naturally been given that instinct to want to survive. We don't want to die. The unknown inspires fear, and how much do we know about death? It depends on what you believe. And then, I have a second reason. It's more personal to me. Closer to my heart.
"Three things will last forever - faith, hope and love - and the greatest of these is love."
- 1 Corinthians 13:13
Short Stories
AléatoireHi there everyone! This is a compilation of short stories by members of the JAZIM! They will vary from fanfictions to completely original stories, so there should be a great range. Some might be incompleted chapters that we've started and never fini...