A big Surprise

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"You are always eating?" Hudson said while we was waiting for Kaiden and Alex with Calum, Ricki and Lottie in McDonalds. i ignored her and carried on eating. i must admit that i have eaten a lot since about a month ago when it was Alex's birthday.

"I have a better appetite." I said stuffing a big mac into my mouth and the mayonnaise dripping out, Kaiden walked through the door with the other behind, they came and got highchairs for the kids and two chairs, Calum sat in the middle of Alex and Lottie and Ricki sat next to me, Kaiden sat next to Hudson.

"How many has she eaten?" Kaiden aske Hudson when he handed a piece of paper to Alex and Lottie with the crayons.

"2." Hudson simply replied putting them on the tray to throw in the bin.

"Well, im going to order for the people that hasn't eaten." Calum stood up and laughed when he looked at me with the mayonnaise in my mouth.


"Are you sure your not you know..." Hudson said when we was at the hospital, i walked over to a patient and took his notes. "Come on, you was like it with Alex, eating more and you look a little bigger."

"Hudson, come on, im trying to work, im not pregnant, i would know, im not throwing up. i have patient." I said and walked up to the patient handing his prescription to him.

"Take a test, were in a hospital, do it on your break." Hudson shouted when i walked into the clinic.


"Hey, dad, do you think i am eating far too much?" I said walking into the kitchen taking the ham sandwich from his hand and eating it.

"Well, you are now, you look a lot bigger than a week ago." He stated, if i wasn't enjoying the sandwich i would have leaped on him and called him every name under the sun.

"Derek, do you think i am fat and eating to much." I stated to him when he walked through the door, he was surprised.

"Well, you are eating like you was when you was having Alex." he stated. "You have got a bit bigger but not a lot."

"Thank you." i handed dad the sandwich and walked out of the house.


"Babe, do you want kids." I said while eating the spaghetti that i made yesterday that i didn't want to eat. "Everyone says that acting like i was acting when i was pregnant with Alex."

"Not being offensive babe but you have gotten bigger." He said moving to me and putting the bowl down. "You have been eating more than you normally do.

"I have a better appetite now for some reason." I said standing up and going to the bathroom.

"Do a test." Kaiden said at the door.

Maybe i am in denial about being pregnant, i wasn't ready when i had Alex, i don't know if Kaiden is ready to be a dad but then again he has been brilliant with Alex. what if the baby changes everything, i don't want Alex to feel left out.

"Come on." Kaiden said, i opened the door, i walked out, i kissed him in the cheek then walked out of the apartment, i called Hudson to meet me at the pharmacy.


"Kaiden wants me to do one, im doing it for him." I picked up a test and handed it to the cashier. i got out three dollars and handed it to him. i took the test and walked out of the pharmacy.

"So you going to do it here or at you house with your boyfriend and son." Hudson said and i laughed then i walked back to my car, got in then started the car. 

Me: I have the test, coming home, make him the chicken and chips i had out on the counter.

Kaiden: Ok, where's his juice.

Me: Love you.

Kaiden: Love you too.  

 * Flashback *

"It is positive, Mano, we're having a baby." I said looking at the positive pregnancy test in my hand, i looked at Mano, his face lit up, he ran up to me and picked me up. we was spinning around the living room.

"What is happening here." Dad walked into the living room, Derek following behind him.

"Were having a baby." I shouted. dad had a massive shocked face then he leaped on my picking me up while hugging me, he shake  Mano's hand and Derek sis the same.

* End of Flashback *

I was dreaming and didn't realise the light was green, i drove off and went round the corner to the apartment.

I opened the door, Kaiden was getting Alex sat down and trying to make him eat. i walked up to them and laughed, i kissed Kaiden and show him the box with the test. i kissed Alex and then walked to the bathroom.


"Are you done. i want to know." Kaiden said at the other side of the door. "Alex's in his bedroom playing."

i walked out of the bathroom and handed him the test, i didn't want to look at it, i don't want it to ruin it.

"I'm going to be a dad, I'm going to be a dad." I turned around to see Kaiden jumping up and down. i don't want him to run away, i want him to stay with me.

"You not going to run away from me are you?" i was about to cry.

"no way, i am going to stay with you, our baby and the little man that is basically my world. i am not the guy three years ago that would have left. im here to stay." He walked up to me and laughed. i hugged him to death i don't want him to be gone.

"I love you." I said then Alex walked out wondering what is happening. "Babe come sit down me and Kaiden have something to tell you."

Alex came and sat between us, i was ready to say it but i couldn't get it out. "Kaiden, you tell him."

"Me and your mummy are having a little baby." he looked at Kaiden then at me then my stomach.

"Baby in there." He pointed to my stomach i smiled and nodded, he put his head on my stomach thinking that he could hear the baby. "Nothing is happening."

"The baby is two small to be heard and felt, when my stomach get bigger you will be able to get feel your little brother or sister."

"oh.. ok. can i play with toys now?" I nodded and he walked back to his room, i though that went well.

"Everything is going to be fine." Kaiden put his hand on my stomach and i smiled, i might actually be ok with this.

So something big is going to be happening and change my life, but right now i am the happiest i could ever be watching my son and boyfriend playing while i rub my 1 month stomach and taking pictures to remember this forever.

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