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The street was cold and the night was closing in fast on the girl who stood outside, bewildered by the cries of the poor on this freezing night. She looked about her in a manner of apprehension, almost as if she was expecting someone to jump out on her. Hastily, Elizabeth ran up the stairs leading to her beloved cousin in hope that he will be well.

Victor wakes the second he hears the thumping against his door. He has continuously been ill and never leaves the dirty home which seems to be his haven. Grumpy from being woken from another one of his sudden naps, Victor inches towards the door, stopping multiple times on the way to check his appearance. The circles of illness evident underneath his eyes by the blood red encircling his pale pupils. Casually, Victor opens the door to his cousin. Moments of silent pass as the cousins look each other up and down. Victor notices how she has grown into a perfectly normal looking women. Elizabeth sees he is a depressing creature of the night, held captive by his darkness.

"Elizabeth." Victor eventually says. He doesn't want her there. Why should she be there when she could have a life of light enjoyment and not be dragged down by the evil within him?

"Victor, what happened?" The hurt of him not calling her by the child nickname he gave her is seen on her grief stricken face.

"I made my monsters. And they haunt me." The grown man before the girl tears up and releases all his trauma on the shoulder of the generous girl her never knew he loved in ways more than a cousin would.

"It's okay Victor. Hush now. Come." Whilst Elizabeth slowly walks forward, cradling Victor's head in her arms, Victor wraps his arms around her carefully, and walks backwards into his home. After many moments of sadness on Victor's behalf, he begins to explain the events foreshadowing the extent of Victor's illness.

"Oh." Is all Elizabeth can reply with. In a way, it makes her feel better that one of his creations was named after her because he missed his cousin but on the other hand, he has destroyed his ability to call Elizabeth by the name she so dearly loved to hear from his twinkling voice. In ways, he may have lost the ability to look upon this younger version of Lily with the same clear blue eyes and dreamy blonde hair. Of course to Victor, there is a massive difference between their personalities. But what he fails to realise is that the girl he cares for is no longer caring of her own doing. She must keep that image so others remain unsuspecting as to the abduction of her sweet, innocent soul. Victor looks up at the child standing before him. Elizabeth holds his shoulders and looks deeply into those all too familiar eyes.

"Victor Frankenstein. You have created something that can defy death. That's all that counts. Don't think that there's the burden of a demon on your back because I think you'll find no one else has discovered any such revelation. You are amazing." Her eyes were wide now and boring into his shaken soul. There was no taking back the words of encouragement designed to comfort which, in reality, only made him cry more. He knew when the immortals ruled, he would be the one all the mortals blamed. "I didn't mean anything bad, Victor talk to me! What have I done?" She looks pleadingly into his shut face.

"It's not what you've done, it's what I've done." And with that he ran off to the roof workshop in pursuit of destroying all that relates to the monsters. Elizabeth is left to take out her quill and protect the house from evil.

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