Chapter 1

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I woke up with Derricks arm around my waist and the ringing of my iPhone 6 plus. Who could be calling me at 10:30 in the morning? My manager Selene!

"Hello?" I don't usually wake up this early in the morning, so I have a very tired voice.

"Oh good you answered! I have some VERY exciting news! Are you ready!" Shouted Selene. This must be good!

"Yes! Tell me!", I whisper-shouted(since Derrick is still asleep).

"You got the part!!" Shouted Selene! You can tell she was jumping on the bed! Hehehe.

"AHHHHHHH! Are you serious?" By now I was downstairs in the living room jumping from couch to couch! Since you don't know what I got, I'll tell you. I get to be in this new movie Letters To Him! I'm also one of the main characters!

"Yes! I'm also guessing you want to do the movie, so I'll call them, but that means I need to hang up so love you and congrats!"

"Ok thanks so much Selene! Bye!"

Words can't explain how excited I am to be in this movie! It has Channing Tatum, and Zach Green(made him up) starring in the movie!

"Babe! What are you screaming about?", it was Derrick! I can't wait to tell him the news!

"Well you're looking at one of the main characters of Letters To Him!"

"That's great baby! I'm happy for you!", we both shared a short, but passionate kiss! Did I mention that Derrick is shirtless and all his tattoos are showing? Well, they are and my legs are going jelly.
After breakfast we were eventually dressed and ready to go to Derricks game.(outfit is at the VERY top).

"Derrick! Are you ready baby? The team bus is here.", since I'm not on the team I have to drive to the arena, but Derrick gets to ride on the team bus.

"Yeah!", Derrick came down in a navy blueish suit.

"Wow someone looks hot!", I couldn't even keep my hands off of him!

"Thanks babe! So do you, but can you help me with my watch please?", I could tell he was struggling.

"Sure!And....... There you go.", to be honest I was actually impressed, because usually I struggle too with his watches.

"Thanks baby! Give me a kiss, because I'm leaving now." I felt Derrick grab my waist and pull me closer. We shared another short, but passionate kiss.

As I was driving in my 2015 gold Cadillac Escalade, Selene was calling.

"Hey Selene! What's up?"

"Ok so I told the director that you will be able to do the movie, but there's also some bad news...", just hearing those words made me nervous.

"What is it Selene?"

"The movie will be shot in Brazil and you'll be there for 3 months.."

"Are you serious! How am I suppose to tell Derrick, Selene? He's not going to like this news!"

"How about we meet for lunch tomorrow and talk more about it?"

"Fine. Love you.", after I hung up I was even more nervous, but I'm just going to go to and support my man.

After parking my car to the private section I was ready to go support Derrick. I sat by Jimmy Butlers wife Armani, and Joakim Noah's Wife who is pregnant with a girl.
--------------Third Quarter(1:20 left)----
Looking up from my phone(I was snap chatting a video of the game), I noticed Derrick had the ball and was about to do a layup, but he ended up landing badly. He also wasn't getting up, causing people to whisper and the coaches and trainer to go on the court.

"Come on Derrick baby get up! I have to go!", I said to the ladies. "Excuse me! Excuse me! You know what... MOVE!", I tried to be polite to the people in the crowd, but they weren't listening.

"Serenity we can't let you over there. It's not something you need to see.", it was Kevin, Derricks bodygaurd(made him up).
After waiting in the locker room crying for 10 minutes I hear Derrick calling my name.

I ran into arms. He is so warm.

"Thank The Lord you're okay! You're okay right?"

"I don't know. I know that I'm out for the rest of the season though."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Hope you all enjoyed! I'll be writing again later on today! Can you believe he's going to be out for the rest of the season? Anyways....


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