Chapter 3

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"A-anymore great n-news?",asked mommy between laughs.

"I'm pregnant".

I couldn't believe my sister Sydel was pregnant! I have always wanted kids,but after marriage. Sydel isn't married though, but I know she'll keep it because mommy and daddy taught us right! Since no one was speaking, I decided to be the bigger person and say something.

"That's great Sydel! We are all very happy! Aren't we FAMILY WHO SHOULD SAY SOMETHING?"

"I can't believe it! Are you serious! I'm happy and all, but what about volleyball?",asked mommy.
My mom has always wanted to be a professional volleyball player,but now that she's pregnant that means a little break from volleyball.

"I talked to coach about it,so everything is already planned out."

"That's great sis! I'm going to be a uncle!",exclaimed Seth.

"I'm excited also,but I wished you would've waited Syd.",said daddy.

"I know me too,and I'm sorry! But I'm going to give this child a great life,and so will Ricky!"

"That's great Sydel..",Steph said walking away

"He'll come around eventually sweetie." ,mommy stated.

"As much I want to stay, I can't because I have a injured fiancé at my house that needs some help. I love you all and good night!"
----------------At the House---------------
As I was reading a magazine in the bed about pregnancy, I forgot to tell Derrick about Sydel being pregnant. Good thing he's laying beside me, because I don't want to get up from bed.

"Oh babe. I totally forgot to tell you. Sydel's pregnant!"

"Really! Thats happy news, but don't you think she's too young though? She's having a kid before you and isn't even getting or married yet."

" I know, but as one of her older siblings, I'm going to support her and keep her feeling positive."


"What if I was pregnant?"

"Well it wouldn't be the best timing and I don't think we need to worry about that. Wait.. are you pregnant?"

"No! Well not at the moment. Anyways I shouldn't have asked, that was stupid of me."

"Well I'm going to bed,so night and I love you.",he said pecking my lips.

"Y-yeah,love you too."

I'm sad Derrick felt that way about having kids! I mean we ARE going to have kids eventually,but I know I'm not going to have kids when I'm 50! I just need some sleep.
-------------Lunch with Selene------------
"So what's going on?",asked Selene.

"Nothing much,but I have some great news!"

"You're pregnant!"

"No Selene. Sydel is."

"Wow! Before you! Tell her congratulations!"

"Will do."

"So when are you and Derrick going to be having some little Roses?"


"I'm sorry, I just want to know when my girl is going to give me some godchildren!"

It's true,Selene will be the godmother of my children! The funny thing though is that we have been BEST BEST BEST friends since 1st grade, and now I'm her client and she's my manager.

"Well I talked to Derrick to see what his thoughts were on kids,but he said he doesn't want them now, or for a while."

"I'm sorry to here that! But that's okay because he will eventually come around soon!"

"I hope so."

As we were eating our food,Selene's phone was ringing.

"Okay I'll tell her. Alrighty bye bye."

"Who was that", I said taking a bite of my salad.

"That was the Director from Letters to Him. And he needs you to leave tomorrow."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Tomorrow? That's just ridiculous!

"Tomorrow! I haven't even started packing! How am I going to tell Derrick? I'm not prepared! I need to start! Bye Selene." I'll pay her back later for my meal.
As I was walking in the house there was a women sitting on my couch all up in Derricks face! Oh heck no!

*clears throat*
"Derrick baby! What's going on."

"Hey babe! This Claudia...she's my new physical therapist. She'll be staying here til I'm fully recovered."

I gave him the 'really nigga look'

"When were you going to tell me that there would be a women staying in our house?"

"I found out earlier, when you were out with Selene."

"Well I have some news too! The Director wants me to leave tomorrow,so we can get a head start on the movie.Is that okay?

"Okay that's fine babe,but I'm going to go show Claudia around."

Did he just? I gave him another 'really nigga' look.

Just I was walking in the kitchen, Claudine, I mean Claudia came up to me.

"Hi! It's such an honor to meet you! You're so beautiful! I can't wait to work with Derrick! He's so cute. Maybe I have a shot with him!",she said flipping her hair.

Did this B just say that she has a shot with my FIANCÉ? AND THINKS HES CUTE? Oh heck no!

"Excuse me! But he's getting married.....TO ME! So that means he's off the market,so get that in your head!"

"Let's just pray you'll still be together when you get back from Brazil!"

With that she walked away.

I'm starting to second guess myself about going away for 3 months!
Looks like Serenity isn't the only one that has eyes for Derrick! Claudia better watch herself!

Anyways...hope you all enjoyed!



Comment~I want to her your feedback! Also what you think is going to happen

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