Chapter 2

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2 weeks later.......

It's been a week since Derricks injury, and a week since his surgery, which was a success(thank The Lord). By the way I'm about to tell Derrick about Brazil, so please pray for me.

"Hey baby! I need to talk to you about something."

"Okay. What's going on?"

"Since I agreed to be in movie, I have to go to where the movie will be shot at. Which is in.......Brazil"

"You're kidding right? When were you going to tell me!", now he was getting mad.

"Well I found out the day you had your injury and that's not the only bad news. I'll be there for 3 months."

"How could you not tell me! 3 months?! What happened to honesty Serenity!"

"I-I'm sorry Derrick! Wait a second! Are you asking me what happened to honesty? How about, what happened to support? Because I'm not getting any from you at the moment!"

"How can I support you if you don't tell me anything! Support? Because I support you all the time!"

"I did expect you to be mad, but I didn't expect it turn out to be a HUGE YELLING argument!"

I feel bad for yelling at Derrick and keeping it a secret, but I just want some sleep. I didn't even realize that there were warm tears on my cheeks. As I ran upstairs I heard Derrick following me...well trying to come up the stairs.

"Just forget about it Derrick! I'll stay and just throw one of the BIGGEST opportunities I could ever have in the trash! I don't mind staying and helping you."

It's true I don't mind staying and helping Derrick because I would do anything for him.

"Baby. I don't want you to do that ok? I love you and I'll support forever. The way I lashed out downstairs was wrong and I'm sorry. We can always skype, call, text,etc. We're about to be wife and husband."

"You're right. I'm sorry too, because I should've been honest and I wasn't."

"When do you leave?"

"Monday, which means in 4 days"

"I know babe"

I giggled. That's right.. I giggled and that's not normal! See what this man does to me!

We shared a passionate kiss which lead to more(if you know what I mean)
I woke up naked and alone. Derricks probably at practice. As I was coming out of the bathroom to put on my shirt i noticed a note from Derrick

Dear Serenity,
Last night was amazing! Just want to let you know that I'm at practice and I love you.
The person that gave it to you last night.

By the time I was done reading the letter I was blushing.

Today I'm going to see my family! I'm excited and nervous because it's been a while since I have SEEN my family.
Don't worry I already told Selene that I couldn't make lunch today, so we're going to have lunch tomorrow. -------------At the Curry house---------
"Hey family!"

"Ahhh! There's my baby." said daddy.

"Hey daddy! You look great!"

After greeting everyone we all sat down to talk.

"So Serenity what's going on?" Asked mommy.

"Well let's just say I'm going to be one of the main characters in the new movie Letters To Him! Which will be held in Brazil!"

"Ahhhhhhh! That's great! We are so proud!" exclaimed mommy.
"Thanks! I'm just so lucky to have a great family and fiancé to support me!"

"How's Derrick doing Serenity?", asked Stephen. Stephen is really protective of Sydel and I, and Seth is protective too.

"He's great! He's been working EXTREMELY hard to get back on the court." , I'm very proud of my baby.

"That's good.", stated Stephen.

"Sydel how are you and Ricky.", asked daddy.

"Great! And so is volleyball!"

The whole night was full of laughter and happiness.

"A-anymore great n-n-news?", asked mommy between laughs.

"I'm pregnant."
Oh my!! Who's pregnant? It can't be the boys!
Anyways hope you all enjoyed:)



Comment on what you think about the story so far, and who you think is pregnant.


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