Chapter 4

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Today is the day...I'm leaving for 3 months! I'm just really sad because I won't see Derrick for a while. Wife I walked downstairs I saw Derrick making breakfast. How sweet! Maybe I should surprise him!

"I know you're there Serenity."

I chuckled.

"Man! Hey handsome!",I said pecking his lips.

"Hey sexy!"

"I can't believe today is the day!"

"I know! I can't believe you're leaving for 3 months! That's too long!"

"I know,but I'll be home before you know it!"

"At least I have someone home.",he chuckled,but I didn't find it funny!

"Yeah.....I don't like her."

"Why not",he said giving me his attention.

"Well yesterday she said that you were cute and she thinks she has a chance with you!",now I was getting angry.

"Ok so! Many people think I'm cute vas think they have a chance,but I know I have beautiful lady waiting for me at home."

Okay that was sweet,but that's not going to make me agree with him!

"Good morning everyone!"

"Good morning Claudia! How was your sleep?",asked Derrick.

"Great! I slept like a baby."

"So when are you leaving?",I asked happily.


"Sorry just want to know when I can start celebrating!"

"Serenity stop!"

"It's ok Derrick. She's just over reacting!"

"Yeah I know! Look I need to go upstairs to get ready,so I can take Serenity to the airport."

"Okay. I'll be up in a minute babe! I need to get something."

That's when Claudine spoke up!

"I'm so glad you're leaving! I can finally celebrate to having Derrick to myself.",with that she walked away.
--------------At the Airport--------------
"I love you so much! Don't forget to call,text,skype,snapchatt,kik,etc."

"I promise baby! I love you too!",he said kissing me.

We kissed for about 2 minutes till Claudia interrupted us!

Flight 324 to Mato Grosso,Brazil is boarding. I repeat, flight 324 to Mato Grosso,Brazil",said the speaker lady

"Serenity better get going if she wants to catch her flight.",she gave a fake smile.

"For once she's right.",I say sadly.

"I love you.",said Derrick

"I love you too.",i said crying a little.

"Don't cry! Don't think about it as goodbye...think about it as see you later."

We kissed one last time.

"See you later"
Hope you all enjoyed! It's sad that she has to leave! Hopefully Derrick keeps everything under controlled, while Serenity's gone.





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