Chapter 5

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*1 month later*

It's been a month in Brazil and I'm loving it here. So many exotic creatures, beautiful landscapes, beautiful everything!

I miss Derrick a lot even though we contact each other everyday, but guess what?! I'm going to visit him today. The director is giving us a much needed break for a week! Yay! This past month we have gotten a lot of work done(the movie), so we get a break! Right now I'm on the plane at 6:30 in the morning , so I'm going to sleep.

By the way....Selene is with my because she's visiting her husband and step-daughter who's 14.(she's my goddaughter)

---------skip plane ride--------------

It felt good to step out of the airplane because it means that I'm getting ready to see Derrick.

When I was walking to the limo, there were a lot paparazzi and fans. The usual...

"Oh my gosh! I love you!"

"I love you too"

"Will you marry me!"

"Sorry I'm already getting married!"

"How's Derrick! Tell him he's sexy!"

Then there was paparazzi.

"Serenity how's Brazil?"

"How's the new movie?"

"When's the wedding?"

"Heard your brother Stephens' wife Ayesha is expecting their second baby!"

When I heard those words..I stopped dead in my tracks,but just ignored it!"
------------------At the House-------------
Now it was time to go see Derrick! Yay!!

"Thanks Rodney for helping me with the bags."

Rodney is my chauffeur.

When I walked into the house I didn't see him in the living room, kitchen,etc.
I decided on looking upstairs,but he wasn't there!

"Derrick! Baby!"

Then I heard laughing from outside. They were in the pool, for Derrick's afternoon workout. There was Derrick and the sidekick Claudia! She was wearing a black bikini! They were about 5 centimeters close and so were their lips. Oh heck no!

"What the heck Derrick!", I I'm pissed off! I have tried to let all the giggling, touching, hugging slide,but they just keep pushing my buttons and I'm sick of it!

"Serenity! What are you doing back so early?",he said getting out of the water.

"What am I doing back so early? How about, what are you doing with this idiot all up in your face?"

"Excuse me who are you calling an idiot?"

"You sweetheart!"

"Serenity please it's not what you think!"

"I think that you're falling on love with someone else who doesn't know you like I do, cares for you like I do, and most importantly loves you like I do."

"Look I do care for Derrick! That's why I'm here okay! I think you need to chill out Serenity! BECAUSE YOURE BEING R..I..D..I..C..U..L..O..U..S!",she said trying to break the word 'ridiculous' down.

"First of Claudia, I'm not stupid, secondly, I'm gonna need you to take it down 3 more notches because I'm not the one (A/N~got this from a vine and I love it so much😂😂),and you think I'mma let you disrespect me in my house AND in front of my fiancé? Because if you think so, then you got me twisted!"

Now she's quiet!

"Serenity let me explain!", Derrick begged.

"Derrick your actions just explained everything to me,so I don't need another explanation. I thought coming home and surprising you would be fun and exciting,but instead this whole situation surprised me!"

"Serenity for goodness sake! Let me explain! Please!", yelled Derrick.

For a second I was like, ' I know you not talking to me like that,because if you think it's okay then you got me twisted too'

"We were working out and she was helping me. Yeah it looked bad,but it's not what you think I promise! You definitely surprised me and I loved it! Baby you're the only one I love!"

Okay I admit I was acting very rude,but can you blame me?

"I'm sorry okay! I just don't want you to give up on this relationship,but mostly me."

"I would never!"

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck, and we both shared a very long, passionate kiss.

It's great to be home.
Hey everyone! I'm back.....for good! I had a lot dance camps and I had a ballet intensive! I'm going to try hard to update as much as I can, because school is coming up and dance classes are starting.

I hope you ENJOYED💚







You will see another update tonight or tomorrow depending on how I'm feeling(I had dance today from 5-5:30 and then class from 8-9pm)

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