Chapter Seven

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I don't know what I was expecting when Colin said- "Will's a bit... Weird." 

But I did not expect this. 

I swallowed nervously, looking around the room. Colin went to grab us some Cokes, and Will was drumming his fingers slowly on the arm of the sofa. 

Will was... Weird doesn't even cover it. 

The first thing I thought upon meeting my boyfriend's best friend was: He's shirtless and pink mother effing hair. 

It was spiked up and it wasn't just pink- oh no. It was pink mixed with the color of bubblegum and then electrocuted. It was... Wow. Loud.

And the shirtless part was weird because he had a very obscene tattoo of a male's unmentionables on his left ribcage. 

I have never averted my eyes so much in my life. 

Thrum thrum. Thrum thrum. Will's piercing blue eyes (they're definitely unnatural- they're like a bright periwinkle) gazed at me with so much scrutiny, I thought that if one tiny molecule screwed up, he would rip me to shreds.

"So, you're sleeping with my best friend?" 

I felt a blush heat my face and I stammered. "W-we're not having sex, we're just..."

"Blah blah blah. Abstinence and all that." 

It was silent for a few more moments, and what the heck is taking Colin so long with those sodas? 

"You're a pretty one, aren't you?" He says, and turns so he's facing me. He puts his feet in my lap, and I shift, a little uncomfortable. Will's up and on his feet so fast I didn't even blink. "Listen here, you little (I'm censoring the language because if say it I'll have to put money in Gwen's swear jar and I already owe her a fortune). If you break my best friend's heart, I'm going to come up here, wring you're scrawny neck, and then shove (again, the joys of censoring), and then I will personally (I never even really paid attention to how much of a potty mouth Will was.... Ooo!) and then, last of all, I will make you eat it. And then I'll kill you." 

Will sat back, looking pleased with my horror. 

"Hey guys, I'm back." Colin's eyes went to me, and he smiled, as if he was relieved I was still there. 

He handed us pop cans, and Will smiled at me with some false sweetness. "Ah, yes. Symion and I were just getting acquainted."

"Simon," I corrected, feeling a bit irritated. He's Colin's best friend, right? Isn't he supposed to be happy for him and all that? 

Will grunted, taking a swig out of the can as if it were alcohol. 

"Will," Colin warned, giving him a look.

Will put up his hands in a mockery of surrender. "Fine, I know." He frowned. "Symion-" 

"William Devonette Wilkins, you say his name right right now." 

Will didn't seem very phased by the use of his full name. "Simon, I'm sorry for acting like such a prick." 

I nodded my thanks, and that woud've been fine, but since this is Will, it wasn't over. 

"You see," Will said, looking forlornly into the distance (out the window). "Colin's always been there for me, and I'm not one to share my toys. I'm deeply afraid that he will leave me and forget about me, never to visit me again. And-" 

"Okay, Will." Colin mock punched his shoulder and Will grinned like an idiot. 

Will gave me a look, and for the first time, I felt like I could take him seriously. (Not that I wasn't taking him seriously before, it's just I was so... Intimidated). "I really am sorry. I'm happy Colin's found someone."

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