Chapter Five | To Stupid Blind Dates and Stupid Assholes

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I was sitting at the bar, alone. Again.

Well, I didn't mind being alone. It was soothing, getting away from the commotion of the other mermaids for a little while. And besides, some men think that they can easily hit on lonely girls. That was my plan. Make myself accessible and easy to talk to. And while the men think they're preying on me, I would really be preying on them.

Keeping to the shadows, I knew that after a while, at least one boy would notice me. But sometimes it's the wrong type. More than once I've had to fight my way out of nasty situations; all of us have. Beauty comes with a price, especially around drunk men.

Clinking my almost empty glass on the counter, I glanced back at the writhing bodies on the dance floor. I saw a couple mermaids I knew swaying their hips to the beat, surrounded by guys. Well, whatever suits them I guess. Other mermaids, especially Rachel, have taken on the "typical ditz" approach. To their credit, it seems to work.

Looking a little to my right, I spotted Rachel with a tall blond, talking up a storm and swaying ever so slightly. I smiled at my friend and shook my head a little. It was probably an act, since there's no way she could be drunk already.

I turned back to face the bar again, glancing to my left, and was surprised to see a boy sitting one seat down. He drained his shot glass and slammed it down, looking absolutely miserable.

"Hey, what's bugging you?" I called.

So much for acting shy. There was just something about this guy-- something mysterious and lonely, not all that different from myself.

He looked over at me, bored. Truth be told, I thought his eyes were going to light up, like all men's eyes did when they saw me. Instead, he just smiled sadly.

"Just feeling kind of down is all. Don't worry your pretty head about it."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

He laughed wryly, and gave me another glance. "Why are you so interested?" He asked bitterly.

Ooh, he was difficult. I liked a challenge.

Grasping my drink, -- I think it was fruity drink number three -- I slid off of my stool and walked down the bar. I hopped on the seat right next to him, my bare thighs squeaking on the vinyl material.

"Just curious."

He sighed, the kind of sigh that came from someone who was world-weary. He signaled the bartender for another shot.

Now that I was closer, I saw that he was actually very attractive. Chestnut hair flopped into his face, and his green eyes were hypnotizing. The black Ray-Bans only emphasized his sharp cheekbones and prominent jawline. He looked way too well-dressed to be in a bar. Something familiar about his face tugged at my memory, but I couldn't quite put a finger on it.

"My friend dragged me here for a blind date. When I finally found my date, she was sucking face with some other man," the boy replied, slamming back the liquor.

Harsh. I knew I wasn't supposed to feel sympathetic toward human men, but this guy had something about him that just drew me to him like a moth to a flame. Part of it was the fact that he hadn't looked at me like I was his next meal.

"Oh that sucks," I sympathized. "Here, let me buy you a drink."

"No, you really don't have to do that--"

"I insist," I countered firmly.

He shrugged. "Okay, fine. But first, give me your name so that I don't think you're some kind of creeper."

I grinned. "Marina."

"Beautiful name. I'm Nick," he replied.

I blushed at his remark about my name. Of course guys had called my name beautiful before, but none of them were sincere. They all wanted to get into my pants. But Nick was different. Everything he said was sincere. It was like his life was a book, and his heart was the author.

I raised two fingers at the bartender, and he filled two more shot glasses. I slid one over to Nick, and he smiled at me, warming up to a beautiful stranger.

I was about to lift my glass to clink it with Nick's when someone knocked against my back. Some of the liquid sloshed onto the bar, and I snapped my head around to see who had run into me.

A dark-haired boy with a shirt that had one too many buttons unbuttoned lazily turned around. "Sorry, sweetheart," he slurred, not sounding sorry at all.

I pursed my lips and gave a slight nod. "It's fine," I said tersely.

I was starting to turn back to Nick as the other guy said, "Hey, damn girl, you've got some nice legs. You know, I'd love to see those wrapped around my back as I --"

Nick shot up out of his seat and interrupted him. "Okay, that's enough, asshole. Back off."

The rude man just laughed. "Oh, look at this guy." He looked around Nick to me. "Sorry, honey, I didn't realize that you already had a fuck-buddy. Hey man, tell me, how good is her--"

"I'd kindly suggest you leave," Nick said menacingly. "I really don't think you want to start this fight." He stepped closer to the dark-haired guy, who wisely backed off.

"Alright, alright man, sorry."

The asshole made his way back onto the dance floor, and Nick slid back into his seat beside me. He ran his fingers through his already-tousled hair. "Sorry about that," he muttered.

"No, you're totally fine! Thank you for shutting him up."

"Anywhere, where were we? Oh, yes." He raised his glass and gave me a dazzling smile. "To stupid blind dates and girls who make it better," he said, staring straight into my eyes.

"And to stupid assholes and boys who chase them off," I replied, smiling.

Nick grinned at me and we clinked glasses before slamming back our shots. I finished mine first, and I watched Nick's head tilt back, exposing his pale throat as he gulped the alcohol.

Hunger gripped me all at once, and I reminded myself why I was here.

But now, it wasn't going to be hard. I had found my target.

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