Chapter Fifteen | Movies and Murder

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The hum of a busy city filled my senses as soon as I walked outside. I had told Nick to meet me over at the bookstore where we ran into each other after the awkward breakup. It was about three blocks away, and I was in the mood to think things over, so I decided to walk.

I pondered the events of last night, although they were becoming slightly stale, having been turned over in my mind a great number of times. The bite marks made it definite that a mermaid had done this, but who?

I sighed and cleared my mind, concentrating on the sounds and sights of my surroundings. I noticed a little boy running rampant in the park, chasing after a small beagle who was weaving in and out of the trees. An elderly couple sat on a bench holding hands and gazing up at the sky. I smiled. I wanted Nick and I to be like that couple one day.

Realization hit me like a hard punch to the stomach. I only had three more days on land, including this one. Three more days with Nick. Three more days of love, compassion, and wholeness. Three more days before my world was ripped apart.

I blinked back tears. I would never be able to talk to Nick again after I left. I didn't even know what I was going to tell him. I composed myself and brushed a few tears off my cheeks before heading into the bookstore.

Nick was sitting at a table right by the fireplace, and was reading a novel. His chestnut hair was falling in his hair slightly, and he had to keep pushing his glasses back up because they kept sliding down his nose. I stood there for a few seconds, just wistfully observing, before he looked up and noticed me. His grin lit up the whole store.

"Hey, Marina!" he said, closing his book. He gestured in front of him at the empty seat. There was a coffee cup sitting there. "I got you a caramel macchiato. Your favorite."

I smiled. Of course he would know exactly what I liked. I would miss him so much.

I pushed the thought out of my head and sat down, taking a sip of the coffee. It was the perfect temperature. "Thanks, babe."

He grinned at me, and grabbed my hand across the table. It was warm, soft, and reassuring. He squeezed, and I squeezed back.

"What's on the agenda for today?" I asked.

He pondered my question for a few moments, brushing a stray strand of hair out of his eyes.

"I was thinking that we could go to the movies. I know I haven't been in a while, and a new movie just came out that I want to see." He widened his eyes at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Wait, you've seen a movie before, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Ha, ha, very funny."

"Hey, I'm just asking." Nick held up his hands in surrender. "There's a lot of things you haven't done."

I slapped his arm playfully and asked, "What movie did you want to see?"

His cheeks flushed and he hung his head a little. "Everlasting Love," he murmured.

I almost spit out my coffee. "The new chick flick?"

He grinned with shame. "Yeah."

I laughed, but I wanted to see it as well. "Sounds good to me," I replied.

We finished our drinks and left for the theater, talking the whole way. I realized that I noticed the little things about him. I noticed that the first thing he did after making a joke was look to me for a reaction, and once I laughed, he would duck his head and chuckle to himself, pleased that I liked the joke. I noticed how he would run his hand through his hair and bite at his lip at the same time, distractedly gazing off into the distance. I noticed that he would watch me when he thought I wasn't looking, a small smile on his face.

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