Chapter Twenty-Three | Seafoam and Secrets

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Time seemed to slow down, and all I could see was the look on Rachel's face as the dagger hurtled toward my chest. I heard someone shriek "NO!", and a flash of pink launched in front of me. There was a sickening thunk as the dagger buried itself deep inside Becca's rib cage. She fell to the floor like a broken doll, and I was vaguely aware of a sharp pain in my knees as my legs gave out.

Lydia tackled Rachel from behind and managed to secure her underneath her legs, pounding at Rachel's face like it was a punching bag.

"You bitch, how could you?" Lydia screamed, tears running down her face. Punch after punch rained down on Rachel, until her face was a mess of bruises and bloody cuts.

"Lydia," I squeaked out. "Stop. She's knocked out. We need her alive." My leader stopped hitting Rachel and looked down at her hands, which were covered in blood. She burst into tears and slid off of Rachel's immobile body, head in her hands.

I managed to get to my feet and stumbled over to where Becca lay. Carefully, I managed to cradle her in my arms. Her breathing was wet, a horrible gurgling sound. Tears streamed down my face, a few landing on Becca's cheeks.

"Why?" I managed to get out between sobs. "Why did you jump in front of me?"

"Because-- because you're right," Becca gasped. "This life is a second chance." She turned her head and started coughing, blood splattering on the cave floor. "And after-- after everything bad that happened to me, you all showed me... that family can be a good thing." She smiled faintly, red staining her teeth. "Family can be worth dying for."

Lydia had made her way over to us, silent tears running down her cheeks. I felt Becca shudder underneath me, gasping for air. Lydia laid a hand on her cheek and said softly, "We will always be your family, Becca. We love you so much. Rest now, sister."

The small girl went limp in my arms, and a sob got stuck in my throat. Lydia slowly closed Becca's eyes and got up, swiping at her tears. We were quiet as I laid Becca down on the ground and Lydia got some rope out of a storage container. I helped her as she flipped Rachel over and tied her hands and feet so she would be unable to escape once she woke up.

Once that was complete, we returned to where Becca lay. I picked her up bridal style, her head lolling backwards. She was surprisingly light. Wordlessly, Lydia and I made our way out of the caves and toward the waves crashing on the sand. Standing on a large rock, I leaned down and laid Becca's body in the ocean. Her hair splayed out underneath her, and she looked so peaceful.

Lydia grabbed my hand and began to sing as the tide carried Becca's body farther out into the ocean. Tears streamed down my face as I listened to the words.

Rest now, daughter

And hear the ocean's song.

After all your hurting,

You've found where you belong.

No longer will you cry,

No longer will you weep.

For as you turn to ocean foam,

How peaceful you will sleep.

We watched as the glittering of the sun on the ocean surrounded the small girl in the waves. For a moment, Becca was obscured by a small wave, and when it passed, all that remained was a frothy light green foam on top of the clear blue water.

* * *

Lydia and I made our way back down the beach, toward the city. I was relieved to leave that dark and cold cave behind. Before we left, Lydia found a stalagmite to tie Rachel to, jamming a gag in her mouth as well. She would be well-restrained and well-hidden until we returned before sunset to bring her with us. We didn't know what her punishment would be, but at the very least she would be banished forever. At worst... I didn't really want to think about that.

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