Chapter Seventeen | Clues and Crepes

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"Well, that was interesting," laughed Nick as we made our way across the bustling street.

I giggled. "That's for sure. Charlie was such a sweetie though, I hope he'll be okay."

Nick rolled his eyes. "He'll be fine as long as he keeps it in his pants."

We were back in the city, back among the large crowds and noises of a never-sleeping part of the world. I missed the beach, with the quiet waves crashing against the sand, the familiarity of the sea surrounding me, the soft caress of water against my skin. But I was here with Nick, someone that gave me the same feeling of contentment and happiness that the sea did.

A car honked at us as we were crossing the middle of the street, and Nick pulled me along the rest of the way, jogging and laughing at the angry man in the cab. He was taking me to one of his favorite restaurants called Breakfast Bistro, which served only breakfast all day. Even though it was already around dinner time, my stomach growled and reminded me that some French toast smothered in butter and syrup sounded really appetizing.

As we approached the restaurant, Nick rushed ahead of me just so he could open the door. He bowed as I entered, causing me to giggle and curtsy back. I turned back as he came through the door, and put my hands on my hips sassily, saying "You didn't need to do that."

He grabbed me around the waist and lifted me three feet into the air and spun me around. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. He snuggled his face into my neck and kissed my face all over before setting me down and enveloping me into a hug.

"Yes I did," he said, kissing the top of my head. "It's what a gentleman would do, and it's what you deserve."

How did I get so lucky that I was the one who this incredible boy loved?

We walked into the restaurant and slid into a red leather booth. The whole place smelled like bacon and pancakes, and I don't think I've ever been more hungry in my life. Although at this point, I couldn't tell if it was from the thought of French toast or the need for human blood still. I needed to get on that.

The waitress came to our table, a nice older woman with graying hair who reminded me of a grandma who would stuff you full of cookies if you went to her house. Her name was Daphne.

"What can I get you folks today?" she asked warmly.

Nick ordered some coffee and banana and Nutella crepes. I scanned the menu and discovered that they served French toast pancakes. Humans were definitely creative in their combining of foods. I ordered those and a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream.

Nick reached over and grasped my hands with his, rubbing his thumbs lightly over the back of my hands. I smiled at him, thankful for the time I got to spend with him.

Daphne brought our drinks, and I immediately took a sip of my hot chocolate, scalding my tongue and getting a whipped cream mustache.

"So," Nick said, leaning back in the booth, "what do you think about what Charlie said?"

I ran my fingers through my hair and tossed it out of my face. "I don't know. I mean, he basically described a typical city girl. It's not much to go on."

"Yeah." Nick mused on this for a few moments. "Except for the tattoo of a seashell on her wrist. That might be something to go on."

"Yeah, I guess. But Nick, we are living on the beach. A seashell tattoo isn't exactly enough to set someone apart from everyone else." I didn't mention to him that the tattoo could signify a membership of a deadly mermaid cult. I could almost guarantee that the Shell had found us and was trying to sabotage our clan by exposing us to humans. It also seemed as though the Shell spy was trying to frame me for the murders. This could get bad. I needed to update Lydia on what Nick and I had found. Without telling her about the fact that I was with Nick, of course.

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