He gets jealous

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Bucky: Whenever Bucky gets jealous he just walks over and slings his metal arm around your waist and kisses your cheek, letting the guy know you are unavailable.

Thor: Thor just comes over swinging Mjolnir hand to hand and asking you, " Darling, who is this?" You will reply, annoyed, " I couldn't care less, he was just leaving." Then you both glare at him until he leaves.

Tony: Tony comes over and sasses the other dude, who tries to flirt with you and you have to hold in your laughter.

Steve: Steve hates a guy who thinks he can get any girl easily. *cough* *Tony* *cough* When they do appear they usually disappear, just by looking at Steve's preeeeeety body... *Heart emoticon*

Loki: Loki comes up behind you and settles his hands on your hips and kisses your neck, to which you giggle at. Then you indicate with your eyes, that this dude is pissing you off, he then glares at him and says, "Are you annoying my girlfriend? Because if you are, she will become upset, which will then end in me being upset and that will not end well for you." The man just stutters a sorry and leaves.

Bruce: It can be very dangerous when Bruce harbours any negative feelings, which means you have to handle the situation. You handling the situation meaning it'll be Bruce who drags you away, from the shameful flirt.

Clint: Clint comes over and hugs you from behind and takes off his super cool sunglasses to glare at the guy, who will then feel intimated and go off.

Pietro: Pietro will come over and wrap his arms around your waist and peck your lips. Then he'll say, " Something wrong Princess?" To which you'll reply, " I'd feel less uncomfortable and pissed if this asshole, who already knows I have a boyfriend, would stop flirting with me." He glares at the guy and says, " You heard her, walk on." The other dude will run off.

Sam: Sam will come up to you and say, " Sup baby?" To which you'll smile and reply with, " Nothing much." Which would then start off a casual conversation, completely ignoring the guy, who will then awkwardly walk off.

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