Where am I?

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Picture above is of Lilly before the "accident". Closest I could find lol. Hope you enjoy! (: Don't forget to vote!

I feel nothing. No pain, just completely lifeless. I can't tell whether or not my eyes are opened or closed in this dark emptiness. The tingling that I felt before brought awareness of my limbs back into my mind. I'm not sure if it's been seconds, minutes, days, or years since I've been in this horrible place. It felt as if I had no body at all to move, just my thoughts floating about this endless black hole. Then, ever so slowly light began to creep it's way back into my vision. A pale blue light. The sound of running water interrupted the dead silence I'd been trapped in then I could smell it. Fresh water and grass. As the light got brighter, the sounds and smells got louder and stronger. Birds were chirping and the wind was blowing. I could feel the wind softly caressing my skin, the scent of grass, water, and wild flowers greeted my nose ever so sweetly as I inhaled lung fulls of them. The bright blue light blurred then disappeared leaving me completely blind, but the smells and sounds remained. All of a sudden, the feel of my body being crashed onto a softened, yet hard surface stealing away my breath leaving me gasping for air. I pulled in sharp breaths that smelled of dirt, then I felt the tickle of ... grass? on my entire left side. I opened my eyes but saw nothing, the same darkness. Struggling to sit myself up, a wave of tingles erupted through my body starting from my toes traveling up my legs to my torso and up my neck. As they made their way up my face, the blackness i saw turned to blots of color. As soon as the tingles reached the top of my head, a blast of cool air hit my face throwing me back onto the ground. Groaning from the pain of the impact, I slowly opened my eyes gasping as the world around me revealed itself. The big blue sky, beautiful green forest around me, and the most amazing waterfall you could ever imagine. My body lay in a patch of grass and colorful wild flowers at the edge of the pretty blue water dressed in white silk. Pulling myself back up into a sitting position, I look around at the beauty surrounding me. I catch a glimpse of blue silk blowing in the wind from the corner of my eye and snap my head around quickly, so quickly my head spun from the movement. I shut my eyes trying to settle the spinning going on in my head. Melodic laughter from close by had me snapping my head back up looking around me frantically only to find nothing there. As i remained seated on the soft grass my mind began to wonder. What day is it? Where am I? How did I get here?... Oh god. Cort. The accident. Reality hit me like a ton of bricks as the events prior to my being here flooded back into my head. All the blood and noise. Where's Cort? Why am I even here? I shut my eyes and replayed how it felt to be in his arms. The warmth of his skin. Will I never be able to experience it again? Opening my eyes I looked up at the clear blue sky letting the silent tears roll down my cheeks. Life wasn't fair. If only I could just see his face again, I'd do anything... Anything child? A melodic voice whispered in my head, but for some reason did not frighten me one bit. I looked around but once again did not see a thing. Utterly confused, I shakily got to my feet and walked toward the edge of the water looking down at my reflection. Is that me? No, it can't be. Instead of my blond hair, black waves with traces of blue streaks flowed down to my hips. My face wasn't my face but at the same time it was. My features were the same but weren't. Like they've been reshaped creating something truly beautiful. My lips were full and held a natural red tint to them and my eyes... so beautiful. Golden with specks of green hidden within the depths of their beauty. My cheek bones stood out proudly. Raising my hand to touch the skin on my cheek i gasped at how smooth it was. The color of my skin shown a gorgeous tan. The white silk dress that I wore flowed in the light breeze around my ankles. Like what you see child? That same voice echoed in my head. I turned away from the water and looked to the trees hoping to find the source of that beautiful voice and when I saw her I stood there utterly stunned by her beauty and grace. Her ankle length black hair blew around her in the wind giving her an almost wild grace. The blue dress she wore brushed against the ground as she walked toward me and oh her eyes... Pure blue. "Who are you?" Surprised at my own voice I stared wide eyed at the goddess before me. It was like hers. Like a song, beautiful and strong. My favorite creation yet... She spoke once again in my head looking me over with a content smirk playing on her perfect red lips. "Creation?" I asked aloud. Yes my child. Creation. My beautiful creation. She closed the distance between the two of us and placed a hand on my cheek... lovingly? The words my child lingered in the air between the two of us. "What did you do to me..?" New life my child... "But why? I should be dead." You have a pure soul... The heart of a goddess "Who are you?" I am the creator of our kind. The mother of ALL herself. I am your TRUE mother. "Mother?" A glint of pride shown in her eyes. None of this made any sense. Our kind? In time you will begin to understand. You want to see your human again, yes? A spark of hope ignited in my heart. "Yes, I do but how?" I can do many things my darling Lilly, or should I say Venus. Venus? I will leave you here, but it will have a cost. Your memory of everything before this day will be erased. If it is true love between you and your human, fate will bring the two of you back together. Something in the way she said this made me uneasy. You'd have to start all the way over. Are you sure you'd want to risk the possibility of never meeting him again...? "Anything to be with him again..." I said so sure that he and I will meet up again. So be it my child but be warned. Nothing and I mean nothing can change the course of fate. The seriousness in her voice echoed within me. I will be watching over you my child. She said with a loving smile. A smile only a mother could wear. A mother... She stepped close and pulled me into a warm hug then stepped back with a smile in her eyes. Slowly she began to disappear taking my memory with her. The more of her that disappeared, the less I could remember. When she was finally gone I remembered nothing but my name and the face of a beautiful stranger. Don't forget me my child... a beautiful voice whispered in the wind. One word clicked in my head. MOTHER... My legs began to wobble beneath me and gave out. I fell to the ground and the trees around me began to blur. Before my world turned to black I caught a whiff of the most amazing scent causing something within me to purr with pleasure and content.

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