Today im sad...

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Ugh,I am so pissed,I can't believe that Ashton did that. I just wanna crawl in a hole and die,the boys are currently banging on my fort yelling things like "get your butt out here" and "come on,I'm sorry"

I don't give a shit right now,they just need to back the hell away.
I hear my door bust open,and I see them all piling in. "GET OUT"I yell. I start to cry whilst trying to push them out,key word. "Trying" . Luke picks me up and puts me on the bed whilst wiping away my tears. "Look at me,I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have laughed! Ugh I'm an idiot,please forgive me?" I can't help but hide a little smirk. I slowly look up at him,staring at his bright blue eyes. "Thanks" I said. Luke smiled And gave me a hug. Then their comes Ashton who was in tears. "Zara I'm SOO sorry I told them,I would go back and erase it all if I could. Please forgive me?" I just nodded.

Later that day:

Well,they said sorry. But I'm still pretty on edge right now.

I'm currently reading Connor Franta's book, when I read I feel like their is nothing else on the world. It's just me and my book going through a journey in my weird don't judge. All of a sudden ️CAlum barges in the room and yells "God dang Zara,I've been calling you for 10 minutes,dinner is ready"
Oh I guess I was a bit lost in my book that I didn't even bother to listen to ️CAlum oops.
️CAlum left my room and I got off of my bed and set the book down. I walked down stairs to be greeted by the over whelming smell of Meat loaf..yuck (I actually love meat loaf lol) I make a disgusted look and Luke speaks up and says "what's the look for?" I sit down and say "I hate meatloaf,and I'm not about to put that crap in my mouth" He gave me a stern/annoyed look and said "well to bad love your gonna eat what is on your plate,or you will get a red bum"
I stand up and give them all the middle finger and leave,but Luke grabs my wrist and pulls me to the couch and quickly puts me over his lap. I struggle but it's no use. He is way stronger than me ugh.  "NO NO NO NO  NO NO NO LET ME GO YOU SICK FUCK" that just made his grip on me tighter and that's when he said "you get 30 spanks understood" I just give in and nod. I mean they are my "dads" so I can't do anything about it...



Luke finally stopped and I was in tears. That was the first time they have done that to me...
Luke put me down and gave me a hug,which led to a family hug, after the hug I finally just ate what was on my plate because I was not about to withstand another spanking!

After dinner I went to my room,and hesitated to sit down because my butt still hurt like hell!
I got under my phone and started scrolling through Twitter. I saw a boat load of "hate comments" saying things like "you don't deserve to be adopted by the boys you worthless bitch,do all of us a favor and fall off the face of the earth" ugh the urge to cut was overwhelming,I couldn't take it anymore so I went to the bathroom and ripped open one of my razors....

Warning: Involves self harm!!

  1 cut for being worthless
2 cuts for being stupid
3 cuts for being alive
And 4 cuts for being adopted
Blood was everywhere,and the cuts were deep,SHIT
i guess my "dads" must have noticed something was wrong because they came barging in my door and they broke my bathroom door down.

Michael ran to me and yelled for Luke to get Peroxide and for Ashton to get a towel.

I was crying hysterically in Michael's arms whilst Ashton and Luke were cleaning up my arm...I then felt a prick  in my upper arm,the everything went BLACK

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