Lets begin,

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Let's begin this depressing, gory and grim tale off with a less depressing, gory and grim beginning. How do we do that, you may ask your self. Well you may have not asked anything at all. But life is boring with out questions. You would just know everything and the out come of everything! Well that's no fun is it?

There is a group of about teens seeming to be thirteen through eighteen where hurrying down a long dirt path which bends trough the forest and twists around the hills. The trees and the grass are a bright vibrant green, and are as healthy as an extremely healthy horse. Now about this group of spry group of youth are the main characters of the story I am about to tell.

In the front of the group there is a boy, who seems to be around fifteen. He is not tall, not short but just average. He had a net of unkempt red orange hair, And wore a green flannel, a pair of jeans and converse. The boy I am speaking of at the moment has a name. You are most likely sitting at home, or on a bus, or in class or at your grandmas house which always smells of cat and hair dye, while you are sitting there, you are most likely thinking of corse this kid has a name! Well you may also be asking your self what does my grandma's house smell like? But that's off topic, what is on topic is this kids name. His name is Dylan, yes I think it's a pretty name- but that me not you. Dylan here is a stubborn, loyal and average fellow. He could get a bit cocky at times, but nothing that bad.

Right behind him is a girl around fourteen years of age, she was short and had dyed her hair a vibrant shade of blue. As blue as a smurf. To her friends she was a smurf. She is short, blue, and is always happily working. Sounds just like them doesn't it?!? The is wearing a graphic-t with a picture of a bulldog in a baby swing, at the bottom it reads 'meme this'. Along with a pair of jeans that where ripped to make some shorts and sneakers. Well this girl has a name as well, I think it's a pretty name- her name is Rebecca. Rebecca is a cunning, hard working and conceptive spirit. Always up for the challenge.

In the middle of the group is a pair of twins, both fifteen. One a girl one a boy, they both wore all black and white clothing, both black and white seemed to be totally leveled out, equal. Same goes for the both of them, even tough they're outfits are totally different the amount of black is the same as the amount of white. They kinda looked like mimes.. The names of these two are very strange, almost as strange as their appearance. The boy was Karma and the girl was Callie. They walked in perfect sync, at times the two where even more frightening then the fact that people are- wait, I don't want to spoil it do I?

In front of them was May, May was a fair, peaceful thirteen girl, oblivious and happy. She loved everyone and everything even if it didn't care back. She wore a baggy pink shirt with a peachish color peace sign, which I think is suppose to be baggy. Along with a pair of overalls, which seemed large on her as well. She had long knotty dust brown hair that waved in the wind as she skipped around picking daisies to make a daisy chain.

She was being followed by her little brother, Oliver but they call him Ollie. Ollie was a nine year old boy who was even more innocent and oblivious as his sister. He ran around following his sister, as if studying her. He wore a light blue shirt and capris, as he frolicked among the flowers.

In the back was a girl, who had bright blond hair almost bright enough for you to classify it as white. She had pale blue eyes that always drifted off into the nothingness. She wore a yellow dress, that seems to be pulled out of a story book, but it's the clothes of the peasant, but not as dirty. She was shy, timid, kept to her self and she always seemed to be in a different world. This girl's name is Heather.

In front of Heather but still in the back was Mathew, but they call him Matt. Matt is the tallest and the oldest of the group, being seventeen and having the hight of 6' 4'. He wore a black beenie upon his head, a black leather jacket, a red shirt, jeans and converse. He was one of those dark people who you might call a 'emo' or a death punk, when he really is harmless.

This is the strange cast of the story, but I have forgotten to add, I was in this story as well. I am now long dead and am here to pass this story to you. I was not that important, but I watched over them. Until they where all out of harms way... So this is the story how many innocent lives where- I mean.. I won't spoil it!

{{ok guys this is my first story that I'm actually posing, holly Jesus I'm scared. I hope you guys enjoy this... And that it isn't too crappy, ok I know it will turn out bad but I hope it's not so bad that you can't even read it.. Thanks for reading!! ^u^}}

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