I'm sorry brother.

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May's POV:

"What time is it?" Jackie asked, her voice sounding as if the feeling if sandpaper was a sound, crossed with some one whom had just gotten their tonsils out. Her voice sounded raspy and transparent. "It's almost two a-clock, mentally brace yourself as much as possible." She warned, her voice now starting to sound more like a clarinet whom's player had no clue what they where doing, how to play the clarinet, or even what the hell a clarinet is. That being said, it was painful to listen to, and had to be even more painful being the one who was speaking.

~~~time skip brought to you by Smurf (reference from chapter one ;D)~~~

All nine of us sat in dead silence, the feeling in the room would be one you would find from a person whom a loved one of theirs was going to be killed for a crime they didn't commit. They say you could cut the fear with scissors, I say it was to thick for that. We probity would have needed a thick knife, or some sort of hammer to crack it.

Suddenly Jackie and Cat fell down in a panic, squeezing her hands to their ears screaming in pain. Until they fell to the ground. Like they weighed nothing.

Heather was the next one to 'fall'.
"P-Please.." She cried, knelt down on the ice cold tiled floor, her he's scrunched up into tight fists as tears trickled down her face like one of those water fountains that barley work, and they only shoot up about an inch so your stuck having to put your mouth on the head of the faucet, to only die of Ebola in about a month.

"Heather!" Matt's concerned voice called out. ((Admin ships it stfu)) "C'mon!! Stay with us, ok!" He cried, shaking her frantically.
"I-I'm sorry..." She mumbled, as her legs and arms gave out from under her, but still conches, "now that I've been chosen... I'm practically dead. You heard what she said.." Her voice was only a murmur as tears rolled down her extremely pale cheek.
"Don't let my memory hurt you.." Her name being added to the list of the fallen.

Of corse, I payed no attention to that, not at all. I was preoccupied with Ollie, my little brother...

"M-May?" He cried, pulling his hands to his ears. "It hurts.. It really hurts! It feels like it's trying to shove its self into my scull!! It hurts!! It hurts!!" He screamed, shaking his head back and forth as if denying something. No. This was not happening. Ollie isn't next. My eyes where wide with pure shock. I couldn't proses this. I wouldn't proses this.

My little brother, my innocent, fun loving, carless- My little brother, who I'd die for in a heart beat. Take a bullet, be eaten alive, do anything for... He is about to be tortured mercilessly beyond belief, beyond what I can comprehend, beyond the farthest star.

"I-It's going to be ok," I lied, pulling him close. My tears fell onto his golden yellow hair, it reminded me of the field we use to run through as a attempted to soothingly stroke his head.

But why did it have to be him?! It could have been anyone else, Carrie, Rebecca, karma. But no, it had to be Ollie. The lil' ray of sunshine. My little brother, whom I see almost as a son. I would gladly take his place!  I wouldn't have to think twice!!

Why did I even bring him to this hell hole? I knew someone might get hurt, I had my suspicions. But why didn't I do anything?!? I'm so stupid!!! Now he is going to die along with everyone else whom was gullible enough to come here.
Only if he could have been spared.
This Is all my fault.
This is all my fault.
This is all my fault.

I'm sorry,

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