Watch the pawns as they move.

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Narrators POV:

Hello there again!! I'm back, To tell you this story. It's been a while hasn't it... It's been like.. At least two chapters!
It's only been one?
Oh, Boss says its because this story hasn't been updated for a while. And boss also wants me to tell you guys that she is sorry. She lost the book she had been writing the chapters in. That and she had a bad case of writers block.

But less about the boss, back to the story!!

At this point in time all of them realized- the ones that are awake that is -that all of them where in trouble. They knew close to nothing on how to prevent this from happening, what or who was causing this or how to stop it. Cat, Heather and Jackie had 'fallen' and where in a deep trance, having who know what done to them in their mind.
Well, I kinda do know what it's like. Considering I was once in this hell my self.
Think of the most terrifying thing you can think of, combine that with your deepest darkest fears and add your worst nightmare... You got it in your head? I'll wait....
You got it now?
That thing your picturing isn't even one sixth of how horrifying it is.

May was tightly holding a shaking Oliver, his eyes closed in fear, as if trying to not look at something. May rocked him back and forth as she cooed to him softly in his ear, a useless effort to calm him down.

Dylan, Rebecca and Matt stood in the middle of the small room, theorizing what could be be behind this even though they didn't even know where to start. "This is totally illogical!!" Said Matt. "There is no way this could be explained with out having some sort of supernatural element in the equation." Rebecca stated. "Maybe it is!" Dylan said, that idea being quickly getting 'debunked'. "That's a load of bull!! That sort of stuff doesn't exist, it's child's play!!" Rebecca huffed, being pissed off because she still Haden't cracked  the code yet.

Then finally Callie and Karma where on the other side of the room, both just staring at the corpses with no clear emotion. Just watching... Waiting for them to do something. Waiting for them to move. Even though that'd never happen, right?

Karma's POV:

This is such a weird dream... I thought as I stared at the body's of one of my 'fallen' classmates who lay at my feet. Everything feels so... Real... In dreams, it usually feels... Hazy.... But not now... Not now.

I glanced over to look at my sister, whom was staring at their bodies as well. I wonder what she is thinking. How she'd be taking this in if this where to be real, witch it isn't. It doesn't matter, I sighed as my attention shifted back to the corpses-

Suddenly, the girl- miss 'oh my god my friends are dead' girl- ya her. Her eyes flipped open. But it was clear she didn't open her eyes. It seemed someone else did. Her eyes where white. No pupil, no cornea, no nothin'.

I gasped, taking hold of Callie's arm and pulling her back. "Guys! You might want to see this" I yelled. God, I sound helpless, like a damsel in distress, being attacked by a 'terrifying' monster, calling out for a real hero to save me. Ulgh, I hate it.

"What is it?!" Cried the king of the fuck boiis himself, Dylan.
"It's the chick! I think she is possessed or something" I yelled back.
"What do you mean?" He asked running over.
"Bull shit!!!" Rebecca yelled, rushing over as well.
"What do I mean?! Look you dumb ass!!!" I huffed, throwing my arms to point at the girl.

The eyes of the time keeper have opened.
Only misfortune will be bestowed upon the frivolous ones who enter this place.

Jackie's mouth moved, sound came out, but that I'm sure as hell wasn't her voice, it wasn't even a voice. It sounded like fucking nails on a chalk board combined with the actual voice of satan, like it was coming from the- no. It was the living essence depths of hell it's self. Coming to eat you alive, along with your dreams, aspirations alone with your children and wife, not even leaving a trace you ever walked this god dammed Earth.

May's lil' brat of a brother screamed and pulled her close, that perv, trying to touch his own sisters boobs, so unexplainably low of him. Crying like the lil bitch he- and everyone else here is, except me of corse.

Jackie then raised her arm, this action clearly not being one her behalf. It looked as if her arm was tied with an invisible string, someone pulling it up and using her sort of... A huge ass marionette.

In her hand was a gun

"Where the hell did that come from?!" The fuck boii king exclaimed, stepping back like the coward he is.
"I don't know Albert Einstein, you tell me" I yelled sarcastically, rolling my eyes at how utterly stupid some people act.

Dylan's POV:

"This is not the time!!" I yelled, like seriously Jackie's arm still gradually moving upward. Does he always have to act like a spoiled little brat al, the time?!? Considering a girl with NO CONTROL of her body has aGUN and can kill us all! This is not the time for fun and games.

For a moment her body stayed still, as she started shaking fearsily.

"This one has always been a stubborn one"
The voice said again.

'So this means.. She knows what she is doing? Is that why she stopped?! Is she trying to regain power?' I asked my self, as I continued watching her movements. The shaking stopped as she continued to pull herself up, a tear racing down her cheek.

She was now sitting on her knees, the gun held firmly in her grasp. Her whole body quivered and shacked, throwing her self about once or twice.  The head of the gun, was straight to... Cat? "Wait- Sh-She's gunna kill her!" I yelled, followed quickly with a snarky remark from Karma, I lounged forward, trying to grab the gun.

Her whole body shook as her grip on the gun as visibly loosening. I could see she was putting up a fight,

But she still lost.

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