Enter the asylum.

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Narrators POV:

The group of eight slowly made their way to their final destination, the old abandoned asylum. It looked like an over sized bunker from the out side, and most likely the inside. The whole think was dark, dirty from dust, dirt and a tad bit of blood. The walls where plain, a grey concrete. The walls where just blackened concrete slabs, some parts having small openings, like an air whole just so that they might be able to breath. These windows had thick metal bars so that the patient couldn't escape.
Why where we here you may ask? Because we where the group of misfits who people liked to pick on. They said to us "hay, I've got an idea. You, ya you!! You miserable sack of shit. Guess what, if you go to this old creepy asylum we'll stop picking on ya' But if you don't go to that asylum we will make sure your known as pussies for the rest of your lives!!" Well, at least I didn't want to be known as that so I went with them to the asylum. That was the stupidest thing I've ever done...
Dylan who was racing Rebecca the whole was there was sitting on the porch out of breath as it creaked and squeaked under his weight. Rebecca on the other hand whom was right behind him was a-ok, not seeming to be tired at all. Then I, the hyperactive bi-polar of our little group skipped along side May who had gathered a bouquet of flowers and was dancing happily with them. Then where the twins, they both gave this vibe that they both felt no feeling what so ever. Then there was Matt and Ollie, Matt whom was giving little Ollie a piggy back ride to the asylum, it was a strange match but it worked! Then Heather seemed to just pop out from no where. It is just like one second she is there one second she is not.
Dylan stood up by the stairs of the porch gathering everyone's attention. "Is everyone here?" He yelled to the group.

"Ya," they sighed in return.

"Now let's go in!!" He cheered opening the door for the rest of the group.

"I-It's scary in there..." Mumbled May bringing the flowers closer to her chest.

"You'll be fine," he laughed as he dragged her along with the group. They slowly walked into the asylum their shoes tapping against the tile floors, which where aligned with a pattern black,white,black,white and it alternated color each time. A shiver went down my back as if someone was breathing on my neck. The hairs on my arms stood on end as I walked into the asylum. There was one long hallway that connected to seemingly thousands of cells. The inside was just as dull on the inside, everything was a sickening grey. There was this ever distant ticking echoing through the place, but it was only me who heard it. At that second the door slammed shut, making me bolt out of my skin. My head spinning towards the source which was Heather, her head firmly on the door handle. I looked away from her, still a bit shaken from the unexpected noise.

"Every hour one will fall" a distorted voice that sounded like hundreds of people screaming in agony.

Frightened I stepped back towards the door as I hurriedly shook the handle. "It wouldn't open. It wouldn't open! WhY woN't It oPEn?!?" I cried shaking the door spastically. But my efforts did nothing to change the fact that, we where stuck in here. With no way out.

"Calm down Cat," Karma sighed "it won't change anything" Callie replied finishing her brother's sentence.

Rebecca was pacing around the room trying to make spence of what that voice had said. "Every hour one will fall..." She mumbled. at that moment our lives would change, it sure as hell wasn't a good change. But something did become different. Let me explain what happened.

The distant ticking suddenly grew louder, and louder, till my head was wringing and I was collapsed and shaking on the ground. I had no clue what was going on, It just hurt until I blacked out. And whispered "the first hour has begun"

((You are most likely sitting/standing there just like "what. what just happened? It will be explained trust me, thanks for reading this!! ^u^))

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