The First Hour (Part one)

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Rebecca's POV:

I paced back and forth in the front lobby of the asylum we apparently we're trapped in, thinking of what it meant. What Is it? Why wasn't the door locked when we entered but is now mysteriously locked? And what did the voice mean? 'Every hour one more will fall' I mumbled thinking of every possibility, but none of them seemed logical, realistic so I just disregarded them. "What if," I muttered as I began to hear a soft ticking in my ear. It was strange... At that moment Cat's eyes grew wide as she groaned in agony as she fell to the ground her hands over her ears screaming "MAKE IT STOP PLEASE!! IT HURTS!!" She cried out in pain before she went silent and seemed to be passed out. She of corse wasn't the only one who acted like that, Heather also showed signs of pain. She slumped over putting her hands to her ears wincing in pain.

"Oh my god!!" Dylan was the first one to react, scrambling over to help our 'fallen' friend.

"Welcome to the first hour" she murmured deep in slumber.

Having no clue what to do he picked her up and looked around. "What should I do what should I do?!" He mumbled under his breath. At this point I had made up servile possibilities, so I had told him the easiest one to do.

"Get her to one of the asylum beds!" I yelled over to him, he looking back at me and nodding as he sprinted over to the closest door to the exit, the one on the right. He muttered something I didn't catch as he closed the door and moved to the next one over, going inside and placing her safely on the cell bed.

Once that was situated I found my way around, and walked in a near by cell and sat on the cold paved floors. The beds didn't look much more comfortable. I pulled my legs up putting my arms on my knees as I stared blankly into they gray void. I stared thinking of possibilities that could connect what the mysterious voice and the whole 'new hour thing'. It wasn't that difficult to crack the code to this vault of more answers and, more questions. It was that every hour... something.. Happens causing the person to 'fall', are they dead or just knocked out? I'm not sure...

Maybe Heather would know, it seemed like she was experiencing the same thing Cat was. She probably has more answers to my questions then I'd ever think of, I thought as I got up from the floor and walked over to the cell she was recovering in.

"Knock, Knock," I sang happily knocking the door frame. "Can I come in and ask some questions?" I asked trying to seem as friendly as possible. She was sitting on the crappy bed that might as well have been a bed for Ebola victims it was that rotted and disgusting.

She cocked her head slightly, like a puppy would do. "What kind of questions?" She asked sounding a bit monotone and hollow.

"About earlier," I sighed a bit afraid of her response I kept going walking closer, and sitting next to her. "Why where you in pain? What was happening to you and Cat that we couldn't feel?" I asked looking into her periwinkle colored eyes.

"It was the ticking." She said lifelessly. "It was so loud... It sounded like it was inside my mind... Or at least trying to..." I looked at her, my eyes as round as moons.

"T-Ticking?!" I whispered trying to let it sink in. While they.. It happened to me two? I asked my self. It had to have been, I heard it... But It wasn't as bad as the others.. With that I got up nodded and left as quick as I came in.

I returned to my little spot in the cell that is now 'my room'. It's less like a room and more like a large closet. Its so small that is barely able to fit a bed inside. I looked at the ground, it was the same as everything else, Gray, dirty and dull. 'What should I do?' I asked me self questioning what I could have done that might be productive. So I continued questioning things. Finally making a circle and wondering about that Heather said, 'she said that it was like it was trying to get into her mind... what if there is something that is taking slowly control of people's minds... They put them to sleep so they can get through the persons mind easier. But then why Cat and Heather?' I paused drawing a blank. 'Then what do the two have in common?' I asked your self thinking about the two physically and mentally. Until I got it. Mental strength, those two can't take things like insults easily, it hurts them more than others. So it goes after the people who are more venerable to stuff like that.

"Guys!! Guys!!" I cheered running out of my XL closet, "I got it!! I got it!!" I sang running around happily catching the attention of most of the people there.

"You have an idea of how to get out?" Dylan asked hope beaming from him. I frowned as I looked to him and sighed "I found out something else," there was a long pause. Dylan looked at me again a bit colder. "I found out what is going on here"

((Hello there reader who ever you may be. I just wanted to say this is part one it will be this long for every hour, thank you for reading!! If you are just a random passer by hello and there welcome! And if you are either one of my friends who I have begged to read this {I know I'm going to do it at some point} thanks for actually reading it!! And if you are following the happenings on my little page here *hugs you* tanku!!

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