Chapter Three

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We pulled up to a nice looking house that somehow was not damaged.  We get out of the car and go inside. The house looked big enough for all of us, but there weren't any other people. I turn around and run into Party Poison.

"Sorry. Umm you said stuff about recruits?" I ask.

"Yeah well you're the first recruits we picked up." Party Poison says and runs his hand through his bright red hair. 

"Which is fine. We don't want too many people at once. It gets way to loud and we attract too much attention." Jet Star says. Kobra Kid takes us upstairs and shows us our room. It was decent sized and really nice.

"Theres a bathroom and extra clothes in the closet. Ask if you need anything." Kobra Kid said and closed the door. Sly and I sit down on the bed at the same time.

"How about we just stay here and stick with them." Sly says.

"Lets do that. You're smart. I smell like a sewer so I'm getting a shower." I say. I grab a blue t-shirt and black jeans. I go get a shower and come back out and change. Sly must have gone downstairs. I put my long wet hair into a bun. I go downstairs and see everyone sitting around. I sit down on the couch next to Sly. Party Poison was reading a comic and Jet Star was messing around on a guitar. Party Poison kept giving him looks like shut the hell up I'm trying to read. I walked over to Jet Star and sat down next to him.

"Can I see your guitar?" I ask. He nodded and handed it to me.

"You play?" He asks.

"Yeah I had to leave mine at home." I say. I play a few random chords but then I start to play a familiar song.  Na na na. Everyone looked at me.

"Wow you're really good!!" Fun Ghoul says excitedly and sits down next to me. I handed Jet Star his guitar. I was slightly embarrassed. I wasn't trying to show off or anything. 

"Ok I'm making food." Fun Ghoul says and gets up.  I talk to Jet Star about guitars for a little bit and then we have food. Sly and I look at each other excitedly when we see oh my god, hamburgers.

"What have you never seen a hamburger before?" Party Poison says. I laugh.

"They look like heaven after living off granola bars for two days." I reply and pile food onto my plate. I sit next to Sly and Kobra Kid. I finished before them both. I stole a chip off of Kobra Kids plate. He threw a piece of lettuce at me.

"Now now children behave yourselves." Party Poison says sarcastically. 

"Children?" Kobra Kid and I say at the same time. Everyone laughs including us. We all sat around on the couch talking and telling stories.

"So Viper, what do your parents do?" Jet Star asks. My smile fades. Sly puts her hand on my elbow.

"Umm, my parents died when the bomb hit." I say. 

"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I'm sorry for asking." Jet Star says, looking really guilty.

" No its ok. Umm I'm gonna go to bed." I say and run upstairs. I shut the door and put on athletic shorts and a gray tank top. I brush my teeth and turn the lights off. I lay awake thinking about my parents. Would they be worried about me? What would they be thinking?

The Next Morning

I wake up and look at the clock. 7:00. I got out of bed and put on black jeans converse a red t-shirt and a camo jacket. I braid my hair and open the door quietly. I sneak down the stairs and into the kitchen. I see the coffee machine and head over to it. I make it and wait for it to brew. I wander around the kitchen and the living room. I turned around to go back into the kitchen and smacked into Fun Ghoul. I jumped back. I probably just looked like a freaked out cat. 

"Sorry. I probably shouldn't have snuck up on you. What are you doing?" Fun Ghoul asks me.

"Coffee." I say and point to the kitchen.

"Oh ok. I won't get in your way. I did that to Party Poison and he almost killed me." Fun Ghoul said.  I laughed and drank my coffee. Fun Ghoul was wearing his usual outfit.  I finish and put the cup back in the cabinet. I hear someone coming down the stairs. Sly comes flying into the kitchen. She looks frantic. Part Poison, Kobra Kid and Jet Star come flying down the stairs after her. I look at Sly. She has our backpack.

"They're here. B/L IND are here." Party Poison says.

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