Chapter Seventeen

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like ten thousand weeks! I had terrible writers block. School is starting on Monday(ew) so I don't know how much I'll be updating. I'll try to post a new chapter every week. Thanks for reading! Love you guys! 

*Vipers POV*

There was another Killjoy HQ? Why was it never mentioned? We walk into the huge building. It was built similar to the original HQ. Kids were running around and laughing. Gerard walked up the stairs. He knew everyone and his way around everywhere. I look at Sly and she was looking at everyone with a weird look on her face. Then I heard her voice in my head. 

I can see who everyone is and their age. Also their name, birth date, family members. I can see everything about them.

Thats incredible. I think as Gerard leads us into a huge library.  The walls were covered with shelves full with books. 

"Where are we?" I whisper to Frank. He shrugs. Gerard must be the only one who knows. We walk over to a office area. A woman with long curly dark brown hair, the same shade as mine. Wait. She turns around. She was wearing dark jeans, boots and a gray shirt. 

"We need to stay here." Gerard says. The woman nods.

"I understand. I see you've brought friends. My name is Jenna. Jenna Way." My head shoots up. Sly's parents told me my last name was Way. I notice that I have the same facial features.  Everyones heads turn to Gerard. Oh my god. Gerard Way. Jenna Way. This is Gerards mom. My mom.

Jenna looks at me. "Oh, my sweet girl." She walks over to me and throws her arms around me. I stand stiff with shock.

"But you- I was told you died in the aftermath of the bomb." I stammer. Gerard looks at us, looking pretty confused. Mikey looked shocked. But we all looked the same. We were a family.

"Your father died. I couldn't raise all of you. I gave you to Mayas family. I gave Gerard and Mikey to Dr.Death. I came here and built this place." Jenna says. We talk for a little while and then she leads us to our dorms. I share one with Cherry Bomb.  I drag myself to the shower. I couldn't believe I just met my mother. And found out that Gerard and Mikey are my brothers. I step out and change into sweatpants and a black shirt. Cherry Bomb was sitting on her bed reading a book. I sit down on my bed.

"Hey. You ok?" She asks me. 

"Maybe. I don't know. It's just this whole time, I thought my mother was dead. I've been living with my brothers for the past two weeks without even knowing." I say. 

"It's ok. You didn't know. Gerard or Mikey didn't know either." Cherry Bomb says. I nod and turn off the light. Cherry Bomb falls asleep but I lay awake for I don't know how long. I get up and slide on boots and a pair of jeans. I grab a flashlight and open the door quietly. Cherry Bomb doesn't wake up. I turn on the flashlight and walk down the long hallway. It was deathly quietly as I walked into the library.  I didn't hear anyone so I creeped over to Jennas desk. I don't know why but I didn't trust her. I opened one of the drawers and looked through her papers. I didn't see anything suspicious. I closed the drawer and someone slammed into me from behind. My flashlight flew across the room. The person twisted my arm painfully behind my back. I slammed my foot down over theirs and they let go. I slowly walked backwards towards the door. The person ran towards me, I could hear their footsteps. I tripped the person and ran out the library door. I heard alarms going off. Great. I ran down the hallway and saw my group of people standing there. The door was slowly going down. I had to make it. I ran down the hallway and slid under the door just as it closed. We stood at the top of a set of stairs. 

"Katy's here. And she brought some friends." Gerard snaps. Frank throws me my ray gun. I catch it and we all walk down the stairs. Then some Dracs jump us. I shoot one and jump over the railing at the end of the stairs. I hold the door open and we all run into the lab area. The lights were on. I close the door and bolt it closed. We all lean against the tables catching our breath. Frank pulls me into a hug. I hug him back. 

"Do you think someone else is here?" Cherry Bomb asks. Then all the lights go out. Frank grabs my hand. 

"Yes. There is someone else here. I want three of you." Dr. Adams says. We all form a circle and stand back to back. Then I'm yanked away from Frank. He tries to grab my hand but I'm being pulled back by someone that I can't see. I hear other struggling but I don't know who else was being taken. I try to run forward and a needle stabs into my stomach. I slump to the ground. Wait where was the person who was taking me? I felt limp. Then I felt someone lift me up under my shoulders and knees. 

"It's me." Gerard says. Ok how did he get over here? He carries me down the hallway. I don't feel limp anymore and he puts me down. 

"Wheres everyone else?" I ask. He looks worried.

"I don't know. We got separated. But c'mon we have to go." Gerard says. Umm go where? We run down the hallway and out of the building. Dracs were following us. I shoot one over my shoulder and we keep running. We eventually stop and catch our breath. 

"Well that was fun." We say sarcastically at the same time. Gerard smiles at me. He reaches over and ruffles my hair. 

"Excuse me. Don't touch my hair bro." I snap. He laughs. We walk for a while and then approach an old  abandoned hotel. 

"Let's stay here." Gerard says. We go inside and slowly creep around. No one was there and it looked sturdy enough. We choose two rooms on the first floor. I took a shower and wrapped myself in my towel. I look through the drawers and find clothes. I put on some jeans and a red t-shirt. I sleep in those clothes in case we had to run at any moment.

*Cherry Bombs POV*

I have no idea where everyone went. Except I was almost dragged off. I got away and ran down the stairs. I turned the corner and smacked into Mikey. He pulled me around the corner. 

"We have to go." He says. We walk down the hallway and quietly go out the back door. Alarms were blaring and everyone was outside. I looked around for everyone else but I didn't see them. Mikey turns his head towards me and opens his mouth to say something. Except the building exploded. Mikey puts his arm over my shoulder and pushes my head against him. The explosion shakes the ground and people start screaming. I prayed that everyone was out of the building. Mikey lets go of me and my ears were ringing. I look over and a Drac sees us. I shove Mikey.

"Time to go." I say. And we run. 

"Slys POV*

Everyone left. The building was empty as Frank and I ran down staircase after staircase until we reached the main floor. No one tried to stop us as we ran for the back door. We pushed it open. And at the right time because the building exploded. Frank and I dive onto the ground and cover our heads. We stay on the ground for a couple seconds and then get up. The building was on fire. I see everyone standing outside the building. I thought I saw Cherry Bombs bright red hair and then she was gone. Mikey was with her. Ok where were Gerard and Viper? 

"We need to go." Frank says. We start running and don't stop for I don't know how long. 

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