chapter seven

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I run after Violet, who's ran across the maze of shoppers and stores.

She's too quick, darting through all the masses of people. I lose her in the colourless mist of people, shops and bright lights shining in my eyes. I look everywhere, but soon give up, sitting down on a bench, defeated.

I skip school, drive all the way to the city, and Violet leaves me after telling me that we're in danger. How bloody fantastic.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Violet: meet me at the car.

I roll my eyes, but get up and walk out, into the black and white street. I sometimes wonder about the fact that I see the world differently to nearly every other human on earth. In a way, people see that as brilliant, but then you tell them to imagine never seeing a colour, never knowing what the thing that people saw most beauty in looked like.

I eventually find the car, parked on the side of the street, Violet inside, her hood up and sunglasses hiding her eyes. She looks at me, well, I think it's me, and waves me over, hurrying me.

"Why the hell did you leave? You have no idea how freaking scared I was! I-." I start, but she cuts me off.

"Alec, I did that to protect you." she says, pulling out and driving towards the freeway, the road which leads me back home, "if the guy, from before, saw you with me, I don't know what he'd do to you."

"Who is that?" I ask curiously, glancing at her.

She doesn't reply, she just sighs, pulling off her sunglasses and her hood. I watch as she bites her lip, moves her eyes everywhere except me, does everything to avoid the question hanging in the air.

"Violet, tell me what is going on." I say, but she continues to ignore me.

The whole car trip back consists of me asking her the same question, over and over, while she ignores it. There's only an awkward silence and the white noise of the soft hum, created by the car engine.

When we finally pull up at the school, it's all I can do to not breathe a huge sigh of relief. Violet turns to me, her mystic, grey eyes almost sad. She gives me a half hearted smile.

"School has ended ten minutes ago. Walk home now. Thanks Alec, I had fun today." She says simply, as I climb out of the car.

She stares at me one last time. I slam the door shut, and she rolls down the window.

"So, will I see you on Monday?" I ask, watching as she turns her head down, her lips going into a thin line and when she looks back into my eyes again, the usually light grey seems to be darker in a sense.

"No." She says simply, her face empty of any emotion, blank like a wall.

"What? But I- Why?" I stammer, lost for words, "what did I do?"

"Nothing." she says, shrugging, "you're dead to me Alec."

And with that, she winds up the tinted window and revs her expensive car, leaving me behind in the dust, alone and confused. Why would she do that? Was it something I did? I want to ask her, chase her car, call her, anything, but I can't, on her radar, I don't exist anymore.

I am dead to her.


For the next week, my life goes back to how it was, I get picked on, I'm alone, my already colourless life is turning into a darker one.

The light in my word is slowly fading, the colour is no longer there, I can't handle living like this much longer. Whilst researching colour blindness, I read that people like me, who's world is completely black and white, often feel how I feel; incomplete.

"Hey loser, there's a really nice rainbow outside, you should go check it out." a guy, Scott sniggers at me, causing bystanders to laugh at my expense.

"Grow up." I say, keeping my eyes on the floor, "that joke got old five years ago."

"What was that?" he asks, pushing me roughly against the lockers, the metal locks digging painfully in my spine.

"I-nothing, just let me go." I breathe, squirming in his grip.

I look across, and my eyes, for some reason, straight away click over to Violet, who is watching. But when she makes eye contact with me, instead of walking over to help, she turns her gaze away and I watch as she walks silently away.

"What are you looking at idiot?" Scott asks, before smirking in my face, his lips twisted into a fierce snarl, "not colour, that's for sure."

I roll my eyes, looking away, praying for him to leave me alone. What I've learnt is that bullies look for a reaction, but despite my not giving them a reaction for my whole life, they still do not get sick of colour blind jokes.

I soon find myself in the guys bathroom with Scott and all his mean friends. They shove me into one of the showers and turn the cold tap on full blast, and soon, I'm drenched.

The bell sounds then, and they all run off, laughing between them like they've just discovered what a joke is. I sigh and squeeze as much water as I can out of my shirt.

I grab my backpack and walk straight out of the school gates, and no one tries to stop me, thankfully. I just keep walking down the street. I must be a sight, soaking wet with only a backpack, but I am beyond caring at this point.

I walk along the street, and end up siting in a park for a while, in the sun. I lie back and shut my eyes, my bag under a head like a pillow.

When I wake, I'm practically try. My jeans are still slightly damp, but my shirt is dry, and I think my skin is slightly darker too, it's hard to tell though because my skin just looks grey to me.

I sigh, pulling my phone out and checking the time. 12:58, the screen reads, and I sigh. School doesn't end until 3, so I have two hours to kill still.

I decide to head to a cafe, I have money in my wallet, and I could really just use something sweet, to remind myself there still is good things in life.

As I'm walking along the street, I pause beside an alley way, leaning against the brickwork and just watch the world go by for a little while. The colourless people walking along the colourless street as colourless cars drive past and clouds roll by in the colourless sky.

The thing is, when there's no colour to define anything, everything starts to look the same, lose is individuality, it's creativity.

Suddenly, a hand grabs my shirt and I'm tugged into the alley. Three hooded figures are glaring at me in the shadows of the tall buildings around us. Two hold my arms too tightly, their grip cutting off my circulation.

The third leans in close to my face, much like Scott did, and my heart lurches in my chest, and I await pain or death, whichever comes first.

But instead, he draws a knife and points it against my throat, the tip digging into my skin and I feel a bead of blood roll down my neck.

His breath is on my face, tickling my skin uncomfortably, and I've never been so terrified. But he only says five simple words:

"Do you know Violet Black?"



Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed it!

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This book is going to be updated on sundays!!

Hope you enjoy the cliffhanger! haha, also please comment, I love reading them!

I cbf to write more sorry aha.

Thanks so much for reading!


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