Chapter Nineteen

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Brandon's POV

I leave the meeting and head straight to my bedroom. I lay down on my bed in the hopes of catching a little bit of sleep. But instead I end up worrying about how Jane will react when we all talk to her once she's feeling better. And I also have to wonder if I'll be able to teach her about BDSM carefully enough as to not scare her. I groan before deciding that since it's obvious I won't be getting any sleep soon I might as well get some work done. I hop out of the bed and head to the bathroom to get a shower and brush my teeth. After I get out of the shower, I comb through my hair quickly and then throw on jeans and a green sweater.

Once I'm done getting ready, I pick up my laptop and carry it to my bed where I stretch out my legs with my back leaned up against the pillows. I spend a good two hours reading and responding to emails before I hear my stomach grumbling and head to the kitchen to get food. I trudge downstairs and to the kitchen where I fix myself a PB and J sandwich and grab a little bag of chips and a bottle of soda before sitting down at the counter and eating. I decide to check up on Jane while I'm downstairs so I head to her bedroom. The door is cracked open a tiny bit so I peak in to find her sleeping soundly and Brady laying down next to her just staring. I smile before heading back upstairs to my room.

I'm glad that Jane's getting comfortable around Brady and I'm glad that she wants something with Brady. That makes it so much easier for this plan that we have to play out. I feel myself get aroused as I think about innocent, sweet Jane being taught about s*x and pleasure. I can't wait until Brady's done and I get to take my time to teach her the most basic things about BDSM. I just hope that she trusts us enough to let it happen.If she doesn't I have no idea what me and my brothers will do without her.

Back in my bedroom, I receive an email from my uncle stating that he'll be coming by the business sometime next week to make sure things are still running smoothly. I send him an email back telling him that I can make sure mine and my brothers schedules are cleared for the entire day on Wednesday. He messages me back saying that would be great and that he'll see me soon. I close my laptop and get off my bed before going to get Brady from Jane's room. When I walk in I find Brady kissing Jane's face all over, making her giggle, and I smile before clearing my throat to catch their attention.

Jane pulls away from Brady and buries her face in a pillow bashfully. I raise my eyebrows at Brady and he shrugs as if to say,"What, I can't help myself?"

"What on earth are you two doing? You're supposed to be letting her rest, Brady," I say in a reprimanding tone.

"I noticed that she woke up and she looked like she was thinking about something sad so I started kissing her face to make her laugh," Brady says, as if that isn't very random.

"Jane, why were you sad?"

"It's nothing," she mumbles, before looking down at her hands and twiddling her thumbs.

"Jane, tell me," I say with a stern tone. She looks up at me before sighing and saying,"I had a dream about me and all of you arguing about something and then you k-kicked me out. I was worried about something like that happening whenever we all talk about mine and Brady's relationship."

"Jane, we would never kick you out. We promise,"I say, walking over to her and rubbing her back comfortingly.

"And I know that, but I s-seem to have a f-fear of people leaving me or g-giving up on me."

" Aww, Jane we will never ever leave you, unless you want us to," I say.

"I don't think I'll ever want a-any of you to leave," she says and I hope that statement holds true when me and my brothers get to talk to her about her relationship with the three of us and how the whole thing will work with BDSM.
          " I'm glad you said you were willing to try the sharing thing. It really means a lot to me and Caiden that you trust us enough to think about it. And we will answer any questions you have when you get to feeling better. Okay ?"

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