Chapter Eight- The Bosses Have a Secret

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Brandon's POV

        The Next Day

        I wake up to my alarm clock screeching and groan before flinging the covers off and sitting up on the edge of my king sized bed. I stretch, my back cracking when I do. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and then I stumble my way to the bathroom that's attached to my bedroom, where I run water as hot as I can stand it in the sink and wash my face then shave and brush my teeth with it. Then I comb through my hair, which I realize is almost long enough that I need to get it cut.

        Feeling more awake, I walk into my room and pick out a dark gray business suit with a light blue shirt (I remember yestersay when Jane helped me pick it out saying it looked good with my eyes and then immediately blushing and looking down at the floor shyly) and some black dress shoes and no tie. I walk down the stairs and then begin to feel the nerves bundle and twist and grow in my stomach. What if the office gossip about why me and my brothers were gone for two weeks, gets to Jane and makes her nervous? What if she decides that she can't live with us? That it's improper since we're her bosses?

        There are so many what ifs running through my mind that I almost barrel right into Jane, who's standing at the bottom of the steps. I come to a halt right before colliding with her and take a moment to evaluate her figure in her black pantsuit and bright flowery printed top(one of the things she let me and my brothers buy for her clothes wise yesterday) along with the heart locket that I noticed her admiring while we were at the mall and bought for her when she wasn't looking. I'd given it to her later last night, at supper and she had stubbornly refused to wear it, saying it was too expensive and that I shouldn't have bought if for her. But I did and I told her that I'd already thrown the receipt away and everything so she was stuck with it. She took it, rather reluctantly, from me and I was worried that she might not wear it so seeing it around her neck made me very happy to say the least.

        "Good morning, Jane," I say to her and she looks down shyly when she tells me good morning back.

        "I suppose Breakfast is ready. So, shall we go eat?"I ask.

        "I suppose we shall," she says and giggles, a musical sound that's refreshing to the ears, before heading towards the kitchen with me at her heels.

        The kitchen is bustling with activity when we enter, all of my brothers already dressed and ready for work. I ruffle Brady's hair as I pass by him, knowing that it'll annoy him just like it always has.

        "Hey, I thought we agreed you weren't going to do that anymore," he says in mock anger, but he's smiling when he says it so I know I'm forgiven for still treating him like a ten year old.

        "Oh no, little brother. You spoke and I chose to disregard it," I say back with a grin on my face.


Jane's POV

        I smile as I watch Brady and Brandon 'argue' with one another. It's amusing to see how lighthearted and joking these boys can be when they aren't at work and stressing out, meeting with clients and all that jazz. I go around Brady and Brandon and ask Melinda if she needs any help even though I know the answer already. She'll say no and then I'll help her do something anyway while she tries to rush me out of the kitchen.

        After I've got the table set and helped Melinda carry some platters of food to the dining room table, me and the boys all sit down at the table and I pick at my food while the boys scarf it down like hungry wolves. I feel nerves roiling in my stomach and I can't bring myself to take more that a few bites of my breakfast. I push it away from me with trembling hands and wait patiently for the boys to finish.

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