Chapter Twenty-Three

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       "Brady, did you hit your last girlfriend?" Jane asks with a look in her eyes that pleads for me to tell her that it's a lie and that it never happened. 

        "Yes, but-" I start to explain but I'm cut off by Jane yelling, "But what, Brady? Did she make you mad? Did she yell at you? Did she argue with you? None of those are good enough reasons for a man to ever  hit a woman! The only reason I could understand is if she hit you first. Did she hit you first?" 

          "No, we were arguing and it got heated and I slapped her. She was yelling in my face and I just got so mad. I was really stressed with work and it just made me snap. But you have to understand, Jane, that I would never raise my hand to you." 

           "But how can I be sure that you won't? How can I be sure that we will never get in an argument under the same circumstances? How can I be sure that you won't hit me if your stressed and I make you angry? How can I trust you? I'm not going to let myself be treated the way my dad treated me ever again. I can't handle that. I think I may need some time to think. I'll sleep alone tonight. I'm taking a taxi home, I'll see all of you later," Jane says before leaving the conference room. 

            I immediately turn to my uncle and raise my fist to throw a punch, but Brandon catches my fist and tells me to head back to my office and that they can finish up this meeting without me. 



       "Why would you do that? Me, Caiden and Brady love her and she's been abused in the past. What on earth were you thinking?" I yell at my uncle once Brady has left the room. 

         "Kinky bastards, aren't you? Three men sharing one woman seems a bit too much doesn't it? If I were you, I would be thanking me. I got Brady out of the way for you. Now there's plenty of holes to go around," my uncle says with a smug smirk on his face. 

          "Get out now!" I yell. 

         "You're forgetting something. I own this company. I could take it away from you in seconds. I would be more careful about the way you speak to me." 

          "But you don't realize that the majority of this company's shareholders are loyal not to you but to me. This might as well be my company. I've been in charge of it for eight years and if you fired me and my brothers, I wouldn't be surprised if this company went down the drain. Shareholders would be leaving and selling their stocks. People would more than likely go back on their contracts. Do you want to know why? Because I'm likable and so are my brothers. We have great personalities. You, on the other hand, get on people's nerves. I've had people tell me outright that if you wanted them to sign a contract with this company, they would say no. I dare you to fire me. Pretty soon, you won't have a company." 

          "You're right. I was going to hand the company over to you anyway. I've got the papers right here. All you have to do is sign. This is the last time you'll see me here ever again." 

           "Alright," I say. I sit down at the table and look over the paperwork and sign my name on the dotted and he signs the document as well. I try to hide my smile as he leaves. 

           At the door to the conference room, he turns around and says," I'm proud of all of you and the way you responded to what I said about that girl tells me that you all care about her. Now, you have to be men and fix what I did." 

         Then he leaves and me and my brothers are left confused like with every one of our uncle's visits. He starts out as the bad guy and then he does something nice. He's always been hard to deal with, but now we don't have to and for that I am grateful. 

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