It's funny how much they'd do for someone. Funny how much they don't know until they are put into the situation. Funny is the place where they found the Mint Leaves.
"You don't need to." She had said, "You don't have to." but none of it matters. Avery is as good as dead. Avia has searched high and low, through every thick and thing book, researched and questioned. Her result? Mint Leaves. The Mint Leaves will cure Avery. The Mint Leaves will relieve her of all and every physical pain.
Every corner, every wall, every book, every person, everything seems to be whispering dangerously, "Mint Leaves. Mint Leaves. Mint Leaves."
Where They Found the Mint Leaves
Cerita Pendek"Funny how much they’d do for someone, Funny how much they don’t know until they are put into the situation. Funny is the place where they find the Mint Leaves." Avery is on the edge, pushed there by her illness; one small movement will throw her in...