Chapter 17 ~The truth must come out~

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*Hazel's POV* 

Whats taking Billy and Jackson so long? I'm getting really worried that they got into a fight or something in the middle of the hall. Ugh, I feel like such a slut. Why did I have to kiss Billy? Why couldn't I just leave him alone and let him be the man whore he is? If Jackson and I never moved in with Billy and I didn't cheat on Jackson with Billy then we would still have our baby. 

Just then I saw Jackson and Billy walk through the doorway. I immediately sat up and was about to speak when I saw my mother walk in a couple seconds after Billy. 

"Mom..?" I asked, shocked to see her. She didn't say anything, and walked over to my side and hugged me. I'll admit, I missed the warmth of her hugs. 

I started crying and she pulled away and whispered; "I am so sorry." 

I could tell she meant it by the way her eyes looked, they were sad looking and watery. "I fucked up mom," I said looking down trying not to cry harder. "I ruined my life." 

"Jackson, Billy, can you give us a few minuets please?" my mom asked looking over toward Jackson and Billy and they both nodded and walked out. "now, what happened baby girl?" 

"When we moved in with Billy I hated him. he was rude and disrespectful to women and just a flat out pig. But then we started talking more and I realized he was really sweet and caring and he wasn't the douche I thought he was. We ended up getting really close over the past couple weeks and I ended up cheating on Jackson. I regret it so much but it's not like I can take it back. I don't want to be with Billy, but I also don't think I want to be with Jackson anymore either.. I still love Jackson but I can't look at him without knowing what I did and what we almost had together. It's not fair to him if I marry him and put him through all my drama and depression about the baby." I said but by the time I finished talking I was crying again and I couldn't even look at my mom, she must be so disappointed in me right now.   

"Hey, look Hazel, we all make mistakes we wish we didn't do. But the thing to do is to learn from them, and don't let them pull you down in life. I know you wish you could go back and change what you did, but you can't. All you can do is apologize for your mistakes, I know sorry doesn't fix everything, but its a good place to start. No matter what you do in life just remember I love you more than anything in this world. You are my daughter and nothing you ever do will make me regret that." 

I looked up and saw my mother looking at me, all I saw in her eyes was love. I appreciate everything she has said to me, and I think she could tell by my face, all I could say was; "I really missed you mom."  

For the next couple hours all my mom and I did was catch up on what we had missed in each other's lives for the past couple months. Apparently my dad was still mad that me and Jackson ran away together which is why he didn't come to the hospital with my mom when she got the call from the hospital saying I had been admitted. It hurt that he was more mad than worried about me but I didn't let it show. 

Billy and Jackson came back into the room around 5:00 and my mom and I had just finished catching up. I looked over at Jackson who just kept looking down at the floor. He was hurt, but I couldn't blame him. 

"Jackson?" I asked kind of quietly but loud enough for him to hear me. "Can we talk?" 

He looked at me and just nodded. 

"Okay, why don't we go get some food for dinner while you two talk?" Billy said looking at my mother and she nodded yes and kissed my forehead before leaving the room with Billy. 

"Jackson, I cannot even begin to explain how sorry I am. I never wanted to cheat on you with Billy, it just kinda happened." I said, looking at him but he just kept looking everywhere but at me. "I don't think I can accept this..." I said taking the ring he gave me off and holding it out so he could take it but all he did was look at the ring and then up at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen before, they broke my heart just looking into them. 

Eventually he took the ring out of my hand and got up and walked out the door. I wanted to yell out to him to come back but I wouldn't know what to say if he did..

~ ~ ~

Hey everyone! please don't hate me. I know its been a long time since I updated last, a very long time, but I have had A LOT going on lately. But anyway, I hope you all like this update. I decided to have her break it off with Billy which a lot of people suggested I should do so I did. I'll try to update soon, and thank you for being so patent with me. I absolutely love you all so much! 

XOXO Liz  

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