Chapter 5 ~Working It Out~

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After I got to steph's house I told her about everything. I told her how Jackson and I slept together and how I ran out in the morning when he was still sleeping, I even told her what he said when he texted me.

"I can't believe he said that!" she said as shocked as I was when I found out.

"I know! like seriously, I'm not good enough for you that you had to say that! Like I have fucking feeling too!" I said getting a little madder with every word.

"Yeah and even if you weren't good enough he still shouldn't have said that!"

I hung out there for a few hours and I went home. when I was still driving home I got a call from jake.

"Huh?" I said to myself.

"Hello?" I asked with some suspicion in my voice.

"Hazel?!?" he said sounding super surprised.

"Yeah..? Why..?" I asked trying to tell if he was drunk or sober. and from what I can tell he was sober... surprisingly.

"Umm... I don't know how to say this but I-I-I miss you.." he said kinda drifting off at the end.

"Umm.." I said.

"Please! please! take me back?" he asked with plead in his voice.

"Umm... I don't know...."

"Please! I love you! I'm so sorry! i'll never leave you again! I promise!"

"Umm. Ill think about it." I said and hung up before I let him say anything else.

After that I drove the rest of the way in silence. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. the whole 'I love you' thing was still in my head.

When I pulled in to my driveway I got out an checked my phone. there were five messages. Three were from Jake. one was from Jaci. and the last one was from Jackson.
I decided to go in order with was Jake first. all he said was 'please take me back' 'I love you' and 'baby please?! :*' I decided not to answer him and just go to Jaci's gets just said 'hey!' with an inside joke that no one would get unless it was her or me. And the last one I opened was from Jackson... yay! (note the sarcasm) it said 'hey.. umm.. when you get back can you come to my house? we need to talk...' I decided that I would go over there just to see what he has to say, but first I need to eat! I opened my car door and got out and started to walk to my porch when I saw something move on it. I picked up a rock (like that was much protection) and started to walk towards it really slowly.
"Haz?" it said and I dropped the rock realizing it was only Jackson.

"Hi." I said with a blank expression on my face.

"Hey, listen. umm. I know you're mad at me.. but I just wanna know why. I tried to talk to you earlier but you didn't respond-"

"I didn't hear you. I was listening to music." I said cutting him off.

"You were?!?" he said seeming shocked.

"Yeah I had my headphones in cause I wanted to listen to music."

"I thought you were ignoring me!" he said with a sigh of relief.

I then remembered what he said about how he was 'sorry about that night' and got angry again.

"Okay now I have one question for you!" I said with the anger in my voice.

"yeah anything!?" he said sounding kind of desperate.

"why did you say sorry? was i not good enough for you?" 

"what that's not true at all! I can't even think of anything better then that night! i swear if i offended you or anything I'm so sorry i promise i never EVER  meant it!" 

it might sound weird but i actually felt kind of sorry for him.

"i believe you." i said. 

"i swear ill never- wait what?" he said sounding a little surprised.

"I said i believe you." i said with a little giggle that i couldn't hold in any longer.

"you laughing at me?" he said with playfulness in his voice. 

"hell yeah i am!" i said and right after that i got picked up and spun around in the air. 

"AHHHHH! JACKSON LET ME DOWN! YOU KNOW I DON'T LIKE HEIGHTS"  i yelled even though i was like 6 feet off the ground it still scared me.

My not so happy ending! *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now