Chapter 15 ~I know what I must do!~

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hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating lately, I've had writers block for the passed few weeks but I finally decided to update, so here it is. enjoy! :)

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*Hazel's POV*

Oh. My. God. That had to be the best kiss I'd ever had! I know it wasn't right to say that, but its true! I just stood there speechless after it was finished not knowing what to think. 

*Billy's POV*

shit. shit. shit. shit. what did I just do! Damn it! if you couldn't tell, my 16 seconds of courage wore off and now I'm kicking myself for what I just did.

"Hazel, I'm so sorry, I di-" and before I could finish she crashed her lips back into mine. I guess she really did like me better after all. We continued making out for over five minutes, or at least it felt like that, until we heard a car door shut. Shit! Jackson. how could I forget the girl I was making out with was my cousin's girl.

"shit," she said as she pulled away. "Jackson."

"are we gonna tell him?" I asked her even though I really didn't want the answer.

"not yet, lets try to figure what 'this' is before we tell him anything. I mean it was just a one time thing, right?" she asked looking at me with her big brown eyes, and I didn't know what to say, for the first time in my life, I was tongue tied. "right?" she asked again although this time it was more worried.

"right." I said but it came out as more of a question.

"Hey." Hazel said just as Jackson walked through the door.

"hey babe," he said, "can you give me a hand with these bags?"

she walked over and helped him and I just watched. they were talking but I couldn't really understand them cause they were in the kitchen and I was in the living room. I didn't really care what they were talking about either. that is until she kissed him. I could feel my heart break into a million pieces as I just watched them. It got to unbearable so I went upstairs and laid down. God I hope tomorrows better.

*A few hours later*

*Hazel's POV*

It was about 2 in the morning and I couldn't sleep cause the baby kept kicking. I got up and started to walk around thinking it would help the baby stop kicking(don't judge, it was 2 in the morning, no ones brain is fully working at 2 in the morning.) out of nowhere I got a craving for food, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

"can't sleep either?" I heard from beside me. I jumped.

"that obvious?" I asked, a little sarcastically.

"want some food? I was about to make something." he asked as he jumped off the counter where he was sitting.

"sure." I said grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.

"what do you want?"

"I don't care, food." I said and he gave me a 'no dip dipshit' kind of look. "you can pick."

"fine. it'll be a surprise." he said with a smirk on his face.

I know it's bad that I should be thinking this, but all I could think of when he was cooking was how badly I wanted to kiss him. I know it sounds bad seeing as how I'm pregnant with Jackson's kid, but, I feel like Billy and I have more in common and we understand each other better.

after about a minute i couldn't stand it any longer and i walked up behind him and when he turned around i smashed my lips into his. i think he was waiting for this to happen because he dropped the spatula he was using to cook with and lifted me up, seeing as how I'm still not that far into the pregnancy I'm still kinda light, on the island.

a few seconds later i felt something weird coming from the top of my legs. i broke away from Billy's lips and looked down to see blood. that's not normal. uh oh.

"Billy." i said so quietly i didn't think he heard me.

"yeah?" he asked still looking at my face.

"go get Jackson."

"why?" he asked finally looking down.

"i think somethings wrong with the baby."

He ran upstairs as fast as he could and i just stayed there trying to remain calm. not even a minute later i heard both of their feet running down the stairs. i expected Jackson to be first, seeing as how it is his baby, but it was Billy. i asked him where Jackson was and he said he went out to go get the car. Billy picked me up off the island and carried me all the way outside and put me into the front seat next to Jackson as he got into the back. Jackson drove as fast as he could to the hospital where they checked me in.

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Hey guys! Sorry i haven't updated my book in sooo long, and for how short this is, but my summer vacation is coming up soon so i will definitely be updating a lot more! that's it i think.. bye bye!

xoxo Liz

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